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Online:Commandant Salerius

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Commandant Salerius
Daily Job Broker
Home City Skingrad
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Imperial Legion
Commandant Salerius

Commandant Salerius is an Imperial member of the Imperial Legion of West Weald. He is currently acting as the daily job broker on behalf of Count Calantius and can be found in Skingrad.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

The first time you approach him for a job, he will greet you with the following:

"You there! The Imperial Legion of West Weald has need of your services. There are problems throughout the region and not enough legionaries to deal with them.
Would you be available to hire?"

With subsequent jobs, he'll greet you with one of the following:

"Count Calantius has authorized the Imperial Legion of West Weald to hire capable individuals to handle delicate situations throughout the region. Would you be interested perhaps?"
"You have the look of someone who likes to get things done. Care to help out the Imperial Legion and earn some gold along the way?"
"Perhaps you've heard. Imperial City is engulfed in war and a good portion of the Imperial Legion is off, trying to keep it contained. So, I have been authorized to hire adventurers and mercenaries to deal with more local issues. Care to hear more?"
"West Weald has needs that the local Imperial Legion cohorts aren't quite equipped to deal with at the moment. I am authorized to pay very well for any services rendered. Would you be interested in such work?"

After accepting a quest:

"Everything is recorded and official. Now get to it. The sooner you complete the task, the sooner you get paid."
"I remember when the Legion was beyond number, when we had no need of adventurers-for-hire. Alas, those days are gone.
Still, I expect you to bear in mind that Skingrad and Count Calantius are funding your efforts. Conduct yourself accordingly."
"If you encounter any problems as you go about this task, remember that the Legion may not be available to assist you. We're spread so thin across the region as it is.
That's why we hired you."
"The wilds of West Weald have become increasingly more dangerous. I assume by your dress and weaponry, you're no stranger to trouble. Still, it pays to be cautious.
Should you survive and do well, I'm sure we can extend this arrangement."

Returning to him after completing your task, he may say one of the following:

"Another mercenary back from the field. Give me the news, soldier." (he may you greet you with other line)
"Ah, if only my old cohort were back from Cyrodiil. But at least you have returned. Were you able to accomplish the task I assigned to you?"
"You return. Tell me, has the assignment been completed?"
"That was fast. Report, mercenary!"

If you finished your daily quest for the day:

"All of my tasks have been dealt with for the moment. Return later and I am certain to have something else for you to do. Count Calantius and the Imperial Legion appreciate your interest."
"No more assignments are available, adventurer. Come back later. Some new threat or danger is sure to appear eventually. It always does."
"My day is done and so is yours, adventurer. Get some rest and we can find you more work on the morrow. Skingrad and the Legion can certainly use the help."
"No more work available today. I must finish these reports for Count Calantius. Return tomorrow and I am sure to offer you something intriguing."

You also have the option of asking about himself regardless what mission you are doing for him:

Is the Imperial Legion really stretched so thin that you have to hire mercenaries?
"Believe me, I would rather send trained legionaries, but there are none to spare. When Emperor Varen disappeared, cohorts from across the Empire were summoned to Imperial City. We barely have enough soldiers to protect Skingrad, let alone the Weald."
What kinds of tasks do you need help with?
"Anything that threatens the safety of Skingrad and West Weald. As I said, just a few years ago, Count Calantius and the Legion would never stoop to hiring common mercenaries. But times change.
If you're willing to help, you will be paid well."
Who are you exactly?
"I am a commandant in the Imperial Legion, assigned to the Third Cohort in Skingrad and currently serving as an attache to Count Calantius.
I have been tasked with evaluating threats and securing mercenaries such as yourself to deal with them."

Trinkets from the ReachEdit

What do you need me to do?
"Root around in rubble and retrieve any Reachfolk trinkets you can find. It seems that during Varen Aquilarios's uprising to claim the Ruby Throne, Leovic requested aid from the Reachfolk. One such clan met its end at what is now called Varen's Watch."
Why are you interest in old Reachfolk trinkets?
"Oh, I'm not. But Count Calantius is, and he tasked the Legion with recovering them for a Reach diplomat. Apparently these trinkets, that Varen's forces considered unimportant and tossed in rubble heaps, actually have some sort of sentimental value."
All right. I'll gather the Reachfolk trinkets from Varen's Watch.

You have the option of asking more questions about the mission:

Why does a Reach diplomat care about some old, discarded trinkets?
"Have you ever met a Reachfolk? They're a superstitious lot. As I understand it now, their warriors carry these trinkets into battle to appease their gods or give them luck or something. Anyway, they also have some sort of spiritual connotation."
What do you mean?
"The Reach diplomat claims the clans cannot rest until the trinkets are returned to them and certain rites are performed. It's all beyond me, but Count Calantius says we can't risk angering the Despot of Markarth. We have enough problems as it is."
The Despot of Markarth?
"Ard Caddach, ruler of the Reach. The diplomat bears his seal and speaks with his authority. The count would prefer to just return the trinkets and mollify the despot, thus avoiding escalating the situation.
Besides, we have no need of the trinkets."
Oh, you mean Ard Caddach. (if you met Ard Caddach)
"Why, yes. I wasn't aware you and the despot were on a first-name basis. Regardless, the diplomat bears his seal and speaks with his authority. They want the trinkets and the count wants to return them.
He'd prefer to just resolve this situation."

After your return:

Here are the Reachfolk trinkets I recovered.
"Gods, they certainly smell rather Reachy. But if returning these baubles to Caddach's diplomat will please the count, then I too am pleased.
Now, take this for your troubles. I suspect you will find it more valuable than what you have just given me."
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