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Battlespire Hacking

15 February 2011

TXT.BSA Format - 15 February 2011
Explaining the format and content of the file TXT.BSA.
General Hacking Info - 25 February 1998
Misc information for hackers about hacking the game.
Save Game Offset List - 15 February 2011
Partial list of save game offsets for the file SAVETREE.DAT.
Misc File Formats - 25 February 1998
List of the various known and partially known file formats the game uses.

Misc File Formats - 25 February 1998

  1. The RAW screenshot files found in the PICS directory are simply the RGB components of each pixel in the 640x480 window (640x480x3 = 921,600 bytes). Each color component is a byte ranging from 0 to 255 (which is in essence a 24 bit file even though Battlespire is only a 15 bit game).

General Hacking Info - 25 February 1998

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This document was last modified on: Tuesday, 15 February 2011, at 20:25:33 and has been accessed 9172 times ( /battle/bathack.shtml ).

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