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Battlespire: Level 6 Walkthrough
19 February 2011
Level 6 Map ( click on letters to jump to tips )
Note: The map has been altered slightly to reduce space
Quick Walkthrough
- All you learn in this level is the neonymic for Dagon which will hopefully help defeat him. It is a relatively simple
level although you must be careful of the Daedra Lords and Counts for they are powerful foes. There are also many
Clannfear and Herne wandering around but they are easily dismissed. To exit you must find the Iya, Payem, and Tayem entry
sigils and the 3 gatekeys. The sigils can be found on a number of mobs, not just the ones listed here.
- You start at Point A.
- Push over the nearest 'log' to the door at Point B to open it.
- Kill one of the Daedra Counts near Point C to get an Iya entry sigil.
- Push the two buttons on the platform at Point D.
- Kill a Clannfear here to get a Tayem entry sigil.
- Goto Point H and talk to Lord Imago. Get the three neonymics and a gatekey.
- Talk to Xivilai at Point I. Threaten him with banishment and he'll give up a gatekey.
- Enter the western mirror at Point J to teleport to Point K. Kill the mobs around to get a Cess and Payem entry sigil.
- Enter the southern mirror at Point J to teleport to Point L. Talk to Faydra at Point N. Banish her to get
another gatekey.
- Return to Point H and insert the three keys into the green latern to activate the gate. Enter the gate to move on
to Level 7, Dagon's Hunting Lodge.
Detailed Walkthrough
- Point A
- This is where you start, arriving from Point S in Level 5
- Point B
- You find a large door in this area which can't be opened by normal means. You suddenly get an
idea and you push over the nearest pole to the door. The pole crashes against it and opens the door.
- Point C
- You find a Daedra Count in this area who carries an Iya entry sigil.
- Point D
- On a platform in the middle of this large room you find two buttons which open the doors
to the east and west.
- Point E
- You notice two secret doors in this area, leading to a grand stash of weapons and armor.
- Point F
- In this room you find a Tayem entry sigil on the body of a Clanfear.
- Point G
- You find the mortal wizard Sirron Angada in this room, one of the traitors to
Battlespire. After watching him beg for his life for sometime you decide to avenge
the deaths of the battlemages and end his wretched life.
- Point H
- In this small castle you'll find the Daedra Lord Imago Storm. To enter you can sneak behind
the gate or open it by the switch(s) on either side (I snuck by, so I'm not 100% sure how it opens).
Using the Iya entry sigil you found at Point C you enter the elevator to the west. This brings you
to Imago who you converse with for a while. He tells you the neonymics of Dagon, Xivilai and Faydra,
allowing you to banish them to Oblivion for some time. He also tells you that you need three gatekeys
to activate the gate and leave this level. He gives you one key, while the other two are on the Daedra
Lords Xivilai and Faydra.
- Point I
- Here you find the Fire Daedra Lord Xivilai Moath. After threatening him with his neonymic you
received from Imago he gives you immunitity from his clan and one of the gatekeys.
- Point J
- In this room you find three mirrors which radiate strong mysticism magic, indicating that they
are some sort of teleporters. The southern one leads you to Point ?, the western to Point ? and the
northern to Point ?.
- Point K
- You arrive at this point from the western mirror at Point J. In this area you find a Herne carrying
a Cess entry sigil and a Clannfear carrying a Payem entry sigil. Return to Point J through the mirror here.
- Point L
- You arrive here from the southern mirror at Point J. The mirror here also takes you back to the same point.
- Point M
- A Payem warding sigil blocks the way here. You pass through using the entry sigil acquired at Point K.
- Point N
- The Frost Daedra Lord Faydra Shardai is found here. After unsuccessfully trying to threaten her with
her neonymic acquired from Lord Imago you are forced to banish her to Oblivion. She leaves behind another
- Return to Point H
- Returning to this gate with the three gatekeys, you insert them into the green lantern activating the
gate. You enter the gate and travel to Level 7, Dagon's Hunting Lodge.
- Point O
- (Note: This is optional but you can get some good items). You arrive at this point from the northern
mirro at Point J. The mirror here takes you back to the same point.
- Point P
- You find a trapdoor and a sign "Intelligent" Test here. You discover that the trap door leads
down to a deep pit filled with water. If you had fallen in without a teleport anchor set you would
have been doomed to a watery grave.
- Point Q
- Entering these two rooms, guarding with Cess warding sigils, with the entry sigil found at Point K, you
find a wheel in each room. These wheels open the room to the south which contains two healing crystals
and a good stash of magical items.

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