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Bloodmoon Main Quest: Ominous Signs

19 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Perform the Ristaag
Next Quest: The Bloodmoon Prophecy
Locations: Skaal Village, Karstaad Castle
Minimum Level: None
Recommended Level: 30
Required Items: None
Suggested Items: Lock Pick/Open (65)
Difficulty: Medium

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak to Korst Wind-Eye again about the ominous signs and he'll tell you to travel to Karstaad Castle to investigate the matter.
  2. Travel West and enter the underwater entrance to the Castle near the shoreline.
  3. Encounter the Rickle named Kirst and agree to help him in exchange for access to the castle.
  4. Kill all the Grahls in the area.
  5. Escort Kirst and enter to the Banquet area.
  6. Continue to the Throne Room area and speak with the Rickle leader Dulk to learn that Werewolves have taken the Frost Giant.
  7. Return the Korst in the village with the new information.

Detailed Walkthrough

Return to Skaal Village
Talk to Shaman Korst Wind-Eye who will tell you about some ominous signs that have been appearing lately, such as the fire on the Lake and, most lately, a Horker massacre on the Nothern shores of the Lake. Such things are suggested by the Bloodmoon prophecies and Korst asks you to travel to Castle Karstaag to investigate the matter. Karstaag is an ice castle to the NorthWest which is home to the Frost Giant Karstaag and the Ricklings that server him. Skaal has lived in peace with Karstaag for some time but they have not heard from the giant recently.

Castle Karstaag
Travel to the Castle which is at the top of the island near the shore. It can be easily missed since it is an ice castle and looks like part of the landscape. Look for a tall pillar of ice near the shore and check your local map for the entrance locations. You can also follow the trail of dead Horker carcasses along shoreline. There are two entrances on the land (to the Tower and Throne Room) and one underneath the water (to the Caverns of Karstaag). Note that the underwater entrance was blocked previous to this quest. The Tower entrance is accessible only with a Leviatation spell and the Throne Room entrance appears to be blocked, so the underwater entrance is the most obvious way in.

Caverns of Karstaag
You enter the underwater entrance to the Caverns which, fortunately, is short enough that you don't need any form of Water Breathing. Shortly inside you'll encounter a Rickling named Krish who speaks to you. He says that the Horker massacre is not their doing and that Karstaad has disappeared. A Rickling named Dulk has been running the place since, at least until some Grahls (Ice Trolls) they 'hired' turned and ate most of them, with poor old Krish being the last one left. The path upstairs has since been blocked. Krish makes a deal with you to help him get back upstairs. He knows the way and he figures that you can take care of the Grahls for him.

Exploring the Caverns
You are now exploring the caverns along with the Rickle named Krish. There are a number of Grahls patroling the place and, fortunately, they are less powerful than the Grahl you meet on the previous quest to restore the Gift of Sun. Be warned that although Krish is relatively fast, he will not last particularily long in a fight, so guard him well (although you can probably finish the quest without him if need be). Once you've killed all the Grahls (about 6 or so) Krish will speak to you again saying it is safe to enter the castle. Continue on and enter to the Banquet Hall of the Castle.

Note that for some reason, Krish became stuck or frozen once the last Grahl was killed. You cannot enter the Banquet Hall unless Krish is nearby, thus I couldn't continue. I had to actually use the console and summon Krish to my location in order to continue. Open the console and click on Krish and then travel to the entrance of the Banquet Hall and enter the three commands:

		setpos, x, 370
		setpos, y, -178
		setpos, z, -117
I'm unsure if this is a common problem or not, though several people have reported encountering it. It may be related to the game thinking that the fight with the last Grahl is not over, even though the Grahl is dead. A quicker fix is to attempt to rest (press the 'T' button) and then cancel it, or even to rest for a bit. Krish should become unstuck once you do this without having to reposition him manually.

Exploring the Castle
The Banquet Hall area is small and has a number of Ricklings in it, which can be confusing to fight since they look exactly like poor old Krish. Continue onto the Throne Room area where you'll meet Dulk, the leader of the castle since Karstaag's disappearance. Speak to him to learn that the Werewolves took the Frost Giant several days ago and that they had nothing to do with the Horkers.

Return to Korst
Return with the information you've discovered to Korst back in the village. He will thank you and reward you with the Stalhrim Longsword of Flame (weakness to fire 50% and fire damage 10 pts for 5 secs) which he says will be useful when fighting the Grahl.

Continue on with the The Bloodmoon Prophecy portion of the main quest or return to the Bloodmoon Quests page.

Includes Contributions from Matt.

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