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Bloodmoon Colony Quest: Shipment

19 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Crazy Nord
Next Quest: Taking Sides
Locations: Raven Rock, Fort Frostmoth
Minimum Level: None
Recommended Level: None
Required Items: None
Suggested Items: None
Difficulty: Low

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Carnius again once you receive a journal message.
  2. Travel to Raven Rock and speak to Falco about the shipment.
  3. Travel NorthWest to the coast and find the shipwreck and the survivor, Apronia Alfena.
  4. Gather any Miner's Picks from the shipwreck.
  5. Escort the survivor back to Falco.
  6. Speak to Falco about the shipwreck, and sell him back the pick axes.
  7. Return to the Fort and tell Carius about the ship wreck.

Detailed Walkthrough

Carnius Magius
After about three days from the previous quest you'll receive a journal entry to speak to Carnius. Carnius will ask you to simply retrieve a shipping manifest from Falco in Raven Rock.

Falco Galenus
Speak to Falco in Raven Rock who is surprised to have you ask about a ship, especially considering that the colony doesn't even have a dock yet. He suggests that you ask around town and see if anyone else knows anything.

Talk to people around town and see if they have seen anything. You should quickly find out that there was a light to the NorthWest a few nights ago, but no one has checked it out. Talk about the incident to Falco who will suggest that you go and check it out.

Missing Ship
Travel to the NorthWest and up the coast a ways until you find a shipwreck with a few Draugr nearby (about half-way up on the island's West coast). At the side of the ship you'll find one survivor, Apronia Alfena, who will want to be escorted back to town with you. While you are there, you might want to rescue all the Miner's Picks you can find in the wreck.

Return to Raven Rock
Escort the lone survivor back to Falco in town. As usual, be careful that she doesn't get lost or attacked along the way. Once she is near Falco she will thank-you and stop following you. Speak with Falco (seen anything) to tell him about shipwreck. He will mention that he will buy any Miner Picks/Axes from you (500 gp each), although this isn't required for the quest (I found fix total in the ship). Return to Carnius to inform him about the ship wreck and receive a 300 gold reward.

Continue on with the Taking Sides portion of the colony quest or return to the Bloodmoon Quests page.

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