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Morrowind - Main Quest: Andrano Ancestral Vault

19 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Arkngthand, Dwemer Ruins [Andrano Vault Main Quest Map Locations, 321x375 (29 kb)]
Next Quest: Travel to Vivec
Locations: Balmora, Andrano Ancestral Tomb
Minimum Level: 2
Recommended Level: 2
Required Items: None
Suggested Items: None
Difficulty: Low, just a few Undead in the way

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Return to Caius in Balmora for your orders.
  2. Talk with Sharn gra-Muzgob in the Mages Guild.
  3. Retrieve the Skull of Llevule Andranon from the Andrano Ancestral Tomb (-897,-66312), just South of Pelagiad.
  4. Return to Sharn and receive the notes for Caius.
  5. Return to Caius in Balmora.

Detailed Walkthrough

Orders from Caius
After retrieving notes from Hasphat for Caius Cosades in Balmora, Caius asks you to get some more information on the Nerevarine Cult from the Mages Guild in Balmora (which is convieniently next to the Fighter's Guild in the center of town). He asks you to talk to Sharn gra-Muzgob and report back to him with the information.

Meet with Sharn gra-Muzgob
Sharn again wants you to go on a little errand before she'll give you the information. This time you need to retrieve the skull of Llevule Andrano from the Andrano Ancestral Tomb.

Andrano Ancestral Tomb
Sharn gives directions to the tomb (which do appear in your journal this time), and it can be found just South of Pelagiad, or North East of Seyda Need. She also is kind enough to give you a magic weapon and a few scrolls to help you out. The tomb is just a little ways up the path from Seyda Need, so take the Strider or walk as it suits your taste.

[Andrano Ancestral Tomb, 260x288 (10 kb)]
Andrano Ancestral Tomb Map

The tomb is typically filled with undead (types depending on your level, you will need some sort of magical blade) and the skull can be found on the floor in a room far inside. In exchange for the skull, Sharn gives you some notes on the Nerevarine cult for Caius.

Return to Caius
Caius promotes you to a Blades Apprentice and suggests that you take some time to train before coming back to him (requires level 3 or higher). Be sure to talk to him about your new rank for a few free scrolls.

Quest Notes
As a side note, if you poke around the mages guild in Sharn's belongings, you'll discover a copy of a necromancy book (Sharn's Legions of the Dead) in her chest (the one closest to her with a level 25 lock). If you confront her about this you can get her to teach you either a Summon Ancestral Ghost or Summon Skeleton Minion spell. Note that some people have reported that Sharn disappears after this, so you may wish to get the notes from Sharn before talking to her about this. This is a confirmed bug and can be corrected by opening the console and entering the command
	PlaceAtPC "sharn gra-muzgob",1,20,1
(thanks to Eric Hoyt for this tip).

Continue on with the Travel to Vivec portion of the main quest or return to the Main Quest page.

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