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Morrowind - Main Quest: Erabenimsun Tribe

19 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Zainab Tribe [Erabenimsun Main Quest Map Locations, 321x375 (29 kb)]
Next Quest: House Redoran
Locations: Urshilaku Camp, Erabenimsun Camp
Minimum Level: 6
Recommended Level: 12
Required Items:
Suggested Items:
Difficulty: Medium, Lots of travelling again, a few close-quarter fights

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Nibani in the Urshilaku Camp (27000,150000) to find out the location of the Erabenimsun Camp (109200,-3000), South West of Tel Fyr.
  2. Talk to Manirai in the Wise Womans' Yurt.
  3. Kill Ulath-Pal and his supporters, Ahaz, Ranabi, and Ashu-Ahhe.
  4. Talk to Manirai and Gulakhan Han-Ammu.
  5. Give Gulakhan Han-Ammu the items War Axe of Airan-Ammu, Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire, and the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise, along with a speech.
  6. Be named as the Nerevarine for the Erabenimsun Tribe.

Detailed Walkthrough

The Erabenimsun Camp
If you haven't found out the location of the Erabenimsun Camp yet, return to the Urshilaku Camp and find out from the Ashlanders. The camp is located a little South West of the village of Tel Fyr, near Tel Aruhn. The quickest way would be to grab a boat to Tel Aruhn or a teleport to Wolverine Hall and then head South East to the camp. Once you reach the camp, enter the Wise Woman's Yurt and speak to Manirai.

Kill Ulath-Pal and Supporters
In order to be named Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun, you must first kill Ulath-Pal and his supporters, Ahaz, Ranabi, and Ashu-Ahhe. All four are in the camp, Ranabi is alone in his Yurt and can be easily taken down if you hit him hard and fast to prevent him from casting spells. He has some handy magic items that you may wish to take. Ashu-Ahhe is next door in his Yurt, and takes much more hits, and deals out a good deal, before he goes down. Ulath-Pal and Ahaz are in the Ashkan's Yurt together, and are the toughest to take out. Ahaz might be the easiest to take out, but both cast spells and and hit pretty good.

Presuading Gulakhan Han-Ammu
Once all four are taken care of, visit Manirai again. Now that the troublemakers are out of the way, all you need is to presuade Gulakhan Han-Ammu to become the ashkhan of the Erabenimsun. She warns that he may be difficult to presuade. It appears the he lacks three basic attributes of a warrior: strength, courage and wisdom. Talking with Han-Ammu it is obvious he doesn't want the job. If only he had some magical items to make up for his lack of attributes....hmmm, if you recall during your recent massacre of the camp, you came up with several magic items that fit the bill: War Axe of Airan-Ammu, Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire, and the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise. Go and grab these items if you don't already have them.

Named as Nerevarine
Once you give Han-Ammu the three items (and make a little speech), he will agree to make you ashkhan of the Erabenimsun (if you have a high speechcraft or disposition, you can just give a speech and keep the items). Visit Manirai again to receive the tribe's enchanted symbol, Seizing of the Erabenimsun.

Continue on with the House Redoran portion of the main quest or return to the Main Quest page.

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