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Tribunal Main Quest: Missing Hand

19 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Investigate Attacks for Helseth
Next Quest: Trueflame Blade
Locations: Temple, Godsreach
Minimum Level: None
Recommended Level: 30+
Required Items: None
Suggested Items: Healing Magic
Difficulty: Difficult

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak with Almalexia who will tell you of Salas Valor.
  2. Find Salas Valor in the Godsreach district, dressed like a High Ordinator.
  3. Talk to Salas which will start combat and kill him (tough fight).
  4. Return to Almalexia once Salas is dead to receive your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough

Speak once again to Lady Almalexia in the Temple to receive your next task. It appears that one of her Hands of Almalexia (her personal guards) has abandoned her. Salas Valor is now spreading slander and lies about the goddess to those that will listen, though Almalexia attributes this to madness caused by her very presence (I guess gods can be a little egotistical). Salas can be currently found somewhere in the streets and sewers of Mournhold, no exact location is given, and your task is to stop him from slandering the goddess, by any means nessecary.

Salas Valor
Finding Salas can be more difficult that usual as almost no one knows anything about him. You won't find out anything until you start asking around in the Godsreach district where most people will tell you of seeing one of the Hands of Almalexia's wandering around the area. He will look like an ordinary High Ordinator but his equipment has the magical shine to it. I found him wandering to the North along the canal. Be well prepared beforehand as combat will start as soon as you speak with him. Salas is one of the tougher fights in the game. He has a lot of hitpoints, heals himself, casts a few spells, magic resistant (not totally) and hits pretty hard. A bunch of healing potions and anything else you might need will be handy. Another useful tip is to duck inside a building if you need a small time to heal or regroup. When you come back outside Salas will still be there at the same health level.

Once Salas is dead, feel free to loot the nice selection of items from his corpse.

Return to Almalexia
The deed done, return to Almalexia to report. She grieves for the loss of Salas (well, a little) and offers you several possible rewards:
  1. Skin like iron: Constant 5 point bonus to Unarmored, Light/Medium/Heavy Armor
  2. Protected against Paralysis: Constant Resist Paralysis (20%)
  3. Warm, reflected Glory: Constant Fortify Health (10 points)
I would choose either of the first two as a measly 10 hitpoints doesn't seem like very much.

Continue on with the Trueflame Blade portion of the main quest or return to the Main Quest page.

Includes Contributions from Meghan.

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