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The World of Tamriel - Geography: H
[the Geography of Tamriel]
19 February 2011

This page lists the various towns, places and other geographic locations which can be found in the World of Tamriel. Please feel free to Send Me any comments or suggestions. One should also read the Author's Note for the accompanying maps. There are also a number of Additional Maps that you can view or download.

Haafingar Display Tamriel Map Display Item Map
A major city on the northern coast of the province of Skyrim.

Hammerfell Display Tamriel Map Display Item Map
Hammerfell has long been considered the outsider to the human lands, full of dangerous barbarians and cuttthroats. The original name for the province was Volenfell for the Dwemer City of the Hammer whose ruins now lay nearly submerged by the Alik'r desert. The province's history starts some 3000 years ago when most of the continent of Yokuda sunk into the sea driving its inhabitants to the the island of Herne and the mainland. This massive warrior wave, called the Ra Gada, swarmed into the countryside slaughtering and enslaving the beastfolk and Nedic villagers currently residing in the land in preparation for the people waiting at Herne, including their kings (Na-Totambu) and ruling body. The Ra Gada became phonetically the Redguards which now designates the Yokudan-Tamrielian race in general. The Redguard replaced the original Nedic people of Hammerfell as their agriculture and society was far more advanced and better suited to Hammerfell's harsh environment. They did, however, absorb much of the Nedic customs, religion and language and, in time, much of surrounding Breton and Colovian society, hastening their assimilation into the Tamrielic culture. Their original oral language, Yoku, is rarely used or taught in present times for the increased need of foreign commerce and treaties.

During the Second Empire, two Redguard 'parties' formed which aided Cyrodiil's administration of the province. The old Na-Tomtambu ruling class became known as the Crowns and retained their rights as noble council. The warriors of the Ra Gada became the Forebears (announcing that they were the first Redguards in Tamriel) and were granted rights of ownership within their tribal districts. This lasted until the Interregnum when the control was reverted back to the original monarchy of the Na-Tomtambu ('High Kings') and the throne was moved from Old Hegathe to the more properous Forebear city of Sentinel.

When the last of the High Kings, Thassad II, died in 2E 862 the Forebears took Sentinel by force. Prince A'tor sailed from Stros M'kai to avenge his father, resulting in the bloodiest massacre of Tamriel's history. Tiber Septim answered the rightful Forebears plea for assistance and sent his armies to stop the Prince. Fighting against impossible odds, A'tor fled to Stros M'kai pursued by the West Navy where they were defeated in the Battle of Hunding Bay.

The Redguard people can often be intimidating to outsiders with their tall thin frames, dark skin and wooly hair. The customs and dress of the Redguard differ by region. The people of Elinhir are close to Colovian in fashion whereas some in Rihad go naked in the streets. Redguards are usually haughty and easily provoked and obsessed with personal honor but are among the finest warriors in Tamriel There is no regular army in Hammerfell, but merely paid militias along its often contested borders. Tradition leads many Redguards to serve in the various Knightly Orders, usually those in the service of royal families. Initiates of these orders must often prove themselves by performing in dangerous, and sometimes deadly, tests of skill. The youths of Crown Totambu must travel to the island of Stros M'kai where they wrestle the mechanical men of the Dwemer ruins back into shape before they can be considered for the Knights of the Scarab. Initiates wishing to join the Order of Diagna must play the part of the Orcs in the annual recreation of the Siege of Orsinium.

The colonization of Hammerfell was a slow one mostly due to its harsh terrian with the majority of the province being barren and rocky with the vast Alik'r desert at its center. The only few grasslands are found along the province's coast in a horseshoe fashion. Redguard society can be divided into the coastal cities and the various nomadic trives that wander the desert. The coastal cities have a Breton or Imperial look combined with that from the lost Yokuda. The more primitive nomads have trace Nedic influences but many remain stubbornly Yokudan and are often isolated, even from other Redguards. Devotees of Sakatal (the Serpent god) have often caused troubles amoung the Alik'r border states and depend entirely on the charity of other Redguards. On occasions they have been known to form bands which raid the countryside in Ra Gada fashion. Many (such as in Rihad) go naked and roll around in the streets, acting like snakes, nipping out at the heels of passerbyes. They have been seen performing terrible exhibitions of shedding their skin and rolling in the desert as a sand sidewinder for continuous stretches of hundreds of miles.

Haven Display Tamriel Map Display Item Map
A major city on the southern coast of Valenwood near the Elsweyr border.

Hegathe Display Tamriel Map Display Item Map
A major city of Hammerfell on the western coastline.

Herne Display Tamriel Map Display Item Map
An island off the west coast of Hammerfell that became home to many Yokudan when most of their continent sank into the ocean. It was here that the majority of the Yokudans, including the kings and ruling body, waited for the Ra Gada to secure the mainland in the current province of Hammerfell.

High Hrothgar Display Tamriel Map Display Item Map
High Hrothgar is a settlement high atop the highest peak in Skyrim, the Throat of the World. In it dwell the ancient Greybeards who endeavor to become more attuned to the voice of the sky.

High Rock Display Tamriel Map Display Item Map
The province of High Rock includes all of Greater Bretony, the Dellese Isles, the Bjoulsae River tribes and the Western reach. Those who make High Rock home are known as Bretons, although there is not a single culture or government as with the other provinces. Khosey records the discovery of the Bretons by a Nordic hunting party. For ten generations the Bretons had interbreed with the Elves, and were barely recognizable as humans. Mistaken for Mer, the Nordic party attacked, only stopping when an old Breton pleaded for his life in broken Nordic. When the word of these Manmeri reached Windhelm, the Nords reasoned that these were human slaves captured at the Elven destruction of Saarthal and King Vrage made it priority to free them from the Elven oppressors. His initial battles took him only as far as the Bjoulsae river as the Elves were strong in magic and many of the Bretons, the people who Vrage was supposed to be liberating, aided the Elves against the Nords. The Elven dominion in Bretony was finally ended by the Allessian Order. The Battle of Glenumbria Moors, although soundly won by the Elves, so weakened the Aldmeri power that they could no longer withstand the nobility of Greater Betony who seized power within 20 years after the battle (aroun 1E 500).

Although most of the Elves were driven out by 1E 500, there remained some areas, such as the Western Reach, where Elven rule remained for much longer. Bretons have fought on both sides of many of the great conflicts in Tamriel's history, the memories of which continue to affect and divide the many factions present in the province today. The Battle of Duncreigh Bridge, for instance, in 1E 1427 is celebrated in Anticlere of their Duke's victory over the neighbouring hamlet of Sensford. The battle acheived nothing for both villages still continue to boast their own family of antique lineage. The battle is celebrated by a march each year down Sensford's main street, resulting in many injuries and often brief wars between the knightly orders of each village. This behavior is typical across High Rock, although not always to this extreme.

Today, modern High Rock is divided into destitute peasantry, a poor middle class, a magical elite, and an incoherent jumble of noblity and rules families. The nobility of High Rock is complicated which even native Bretons have difficulty understanding, often using the old joke Find a new hill, become a king.

u The geography of the province is just as varied as its people. The forested peaks of the Wrothgarian Mountains, only slightly inhabited, seperates the Western Reach from the more populated West of High Rock where most of the true cities are situated along the Iliac Bay. Inland, the land rises to a the plateau of North Kambria with many small towns in the small valleys. The landscape is marred by fortifications on many hilltops, a reminder of High Rock's constant warfare.

Although the Bretons are divided into countless factions, their dress, architecture, and customs are very uniform throughout the province. Taking after the Elves, Bretons are not terribly imaginative which reflects in their appearance. Villages usually consist of half-timbered one or two story dwellings, an inn, several shops and a manor. Indeed, one only need visit a few villages and towns before knowing that they have captured the flavor of the province as a whole. Bretons have a good affinity to magic, again taking after the half of their Elven ancestors. The mages guild exists in many richer towns along the Bay and children are often tested for magical abilities at a young age.

Daggerfall has long been considered its capital although Wayrest has also become a very influential city in modern times.

Hsaarik Head Display Tamriel Map
Where Ysgramor (the first Nord from Atmora), landed in ancient times. Hsaarik Head is located at the extreme northern tip of Skyrim's Broken Cape.

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This document was last modified on: Saturday, 19 February 2011, at 09:55:52 and has been accessed 2532 times .