   Written by Dave Humphrey                 14 December 1997
   aj589@freenet.carleton.ca          www.m0use.net/~uesp

        Using DagPicG
                The Main Screen
                The File Menu
                The Edit Menu
                The View Menu
                The Help Menu
                The Buttons
                The Palette Area
                The Main Picture Area
                The Text Status Area
        Key Descriptions
        Limitations / Known Bugs

Welcome to DagPicG, the graphical counterpart to the original
command-line DagPic version to load, edit, and convert the
various image formats used by TES:DAGGERFALL created by BETHESDA.
The success of DagPic (as well as AndyPic) indicated that the
utility was well used, but at the same time many people had
problems using the command-line interface.  The interface could
be confusing at times and I received many e-mails about how to
convert or view images, even though I had tried to explain that
process in the various documents supplied with the program.
Because of this I decided to add a neat graphical interface to
DagPic in order to make use of the program much more intuitive
and easier than before.  Hence, DagPicG was born... Almost all
the code for the interface was already created so all I had to
do was modify the original DagPic version to use it.  Because I
also decided to improve the base DagPic code for loading/saving
images it took me a few days to get everything working.  Quite
a short time if you look at the output...three cheers for
reusable code eh...:)

Here's a list with a brief description of the various features
of DagPicG.

   - Same basic features as the original DagPic. Load up most
     IMG or CIF files, saves as PCX's or similarily load PCXs
     and save as an IMG or CIF file.  Not all CIF files can be
     successfully loaded and there is no support for texture
   - Additional load/save/convert features added for managing
     multiple image files. Add pictures, delete pictures,
     merge in IMG/CIF/PCX files to create custom CIF files.
   - Load and save Daggerfall Palette files.  Can load either
     PAL or COL files and save only in the PAL format.
   - Fancy graphic interface for intuitive and easy use.
     Similar to many  popular software interfaces such as
     Windows, etc...  Buttons, scroll bars, lists, menus,
     windows, etc...
   - Includes a simple bitmap editor so you can touch up
     pictures.  This might save some steps if you want to do a
     little editting, no need to convert to a PCX, edit, convert
     back.  Choose any color in the current palette, simple fill,
     random pixels, zoom in and out from 100 to 500%. Scroll
     larger pictures to edit the portion you want.

There aren't strick requirements...essentially if you can run
Daggerfall, you should be able to run DagPicG.
	- 286+ Computer
	- VGA Color Monitor
	- 2 Button Mouse
	- DOS v3.0? or greater

Installation is pretty simple, much like the original DagPic
  - Create a directory somewhere on your DAGGER drive. You
    could install it in the ARENA2 directory or in the DAGGER
    directory but this is rather a messy habit.  I prefer to
    install it to the DAGPIC directory in the DAGGER dir.
	ex:     mkdir d:\dagger\dagpic
  - Unzip the DAGPICG.ZIP into this new directory.
	ex:     pkunzip dagpicg.zip d:\dagger\dagpic
  - That's it, now change to the directory and start-er-up.
	ex:     cd \dagger\dagpic

DagPicG should be relatively easy and intuitive to use...
hopefully you won't even have to look in here.  If you do,
that's quite allright, and I hope to be able to provide you
with the information you're looking for.

The main screen seen as soon as DagPicG loads up contains many
things and might be a little confusing at first, so we'll go
through everything step by step.  At the top of the screen you'll
see four menu options, FILE, EDIT, VIEW, and HELP.  Clicking on
each of these with the mouse will display the possible menu
selections.  The menu choices are described later on in detail
in this document.  Just below the menu items is a large black area.
This is the main picture area where the current picture will be
displayed when you load/create one.  Below the picture area, at
the very bottom of the screen is the current palette where you
can choose your color of choice. On the very right of the screen
are many buttons.  These can select various file options such as
loading pictures or editting options such as zooming in and out
or filling an area in the picture with a color.  Many of the
buttons functions are duplicated in the various menus at the top
of the screen. At the far bottom right corner can be found some
status information about the current picture(s) in memory.

The file menu contains options related to file operations, such
as saving and loading.  When you click on this menu item you are
presented with the following list:

      Load Picture
	This allows you to load an IMG or CIF file into memory.
	You are presented with a file dialogue window allowing
	you to select an image file.  You can change directories,
	scroll through the file list, change the file mask, etc...
	To select an image to load either type its name in the
	filename box and press enter or select the Load button,
	or double-click on the desired filename.  If you wish to
	not load anything, press the Cancel button or the ESC key.
	Any picture(s) in memory will be erased even if you cancel
	the load. If the IMG file contains a palette the current
	palette will be updated as well.  Currently only images
	up to 320x200 in size are supported.
      Save All
	Choosing this item saves all the pictures in memory to an
	image file. If only one image is in memory, an IMG file is
	created, while if more exist a CIF file is created.
      Save Current
	This option allows you to just save the current picture
	displayed in the editting area.  The picture is automatically
	saved as an IMG file.
      Load Palette
	Using this one can load any PAL or COL Daggerfall palette
	file. This will change the entire current palette so the
	screen will most likely not look the same after a load.
	The colors used in DagPicG are from the default palette
	MAP.PAL and other palettes will most likely turn
	everything a funky color.
      Save Palette
	This saves the current palette in memory to a file in the
	PAL file format.  This shouldn't have to be used much but
	I included it for completeness.
      Load PCX
	Using this one can load PCX format image files into memory.
	Only the basic 256-color PCX format is understood so anything
	fancier will most likely causes errors or wierd output.
	The palette found in the PCX file is ignored and the current
	palette in memory is used. One should ensure that the loaded
	PCX file contains the required palette or your colours will
	get mixed up.  PCXs must be at most 320x200 pixels in size.
	All pictures in memory will be erased when this option is
      Save PCX
	This nifty option lets one save the current displayed image
	to a PCX file format which can be then loaded into most
	bitmap editors.  Some people have complained that PCX files
	saved in the original DagPic version couldn't be loaded in
	various editors, but I've never had any problems with Corel
	Photo-Paint or the Windows Paint programs.  It saves it as
	a standard PCX file with 256 colors using the current
	palette in memory.
      Merge Picture
	Use this option to add pictures to create a multiple image
	CIF file.  If an IMG file is loaded, it will replace the
	currently displayed picture.  Be warned, you aren't prompted
	if you want to replace the current picture.  If a CIF file
	is loaded the images are all added to the end of picture
	list, i.e., no pictures are overwritten. Currently a maximum
	of 100 pictures can be loaded at one time, although you may
	run out of memory before this limit is reached.
      Merge PCX
	Similar to the Merge Picture option, this replaces the
	currently displayed picture with the loaded PCX file.
	Again, no warning is issued when the current image is
	Exit the DagPicG program. You are prompted before the
	program will actually quit.

The edit menu contains various features for editting the pictures
such as deleting/adding pictures, changing their size, etc...
When you click on the Edit menu the following list appears:

      Clear All
	Use this option sparingly since it will delete all the
	current pictures in memory.  No warning/prompting occurs
	so use this with caution.
      Add Picture
	This option adds a picture at the currently selected
	position.  Other pictures are shifted so that no picture
	will be overwritten.  You are prompted for the image width
	and height in pixels that will be created. If you will be
	merging an IMG or PCX file into this position any image
	size can be entered since it will be deleted anyways when
	the new picture file is merged.
      Del Current
	This deletes the currently displayed picture from memory.
	No prompting or warning occurs so use this option carefully.
      Change Size
	You can modify the current size of the image using this
	option. The current image size is limited to 320x200 pixels.

This menu allows to change parameters related to the current view
of the displayed image such as zoom, scrolling parameters, etc...
When this menu item is selected the following list is seen:

      Zoom 100%
      Zoom 200%
      Zoom 300%
      Zoom 400%
      Zoom 500%
	These options change the zoom factor of the current
	displayed image. A zoom factor of 400%, for instance, means
	that each pixel in the image will be 4x4 pixels in size
	when displayed on the screen.
	Use this to reset the scrolling center to the upper-left
	corner of the image.  Useful if you've lost track of
	exactly where in the current image you are and need to

The help menu contains several simple options.

	This will display this file in case you need some
	information and don't want to quit and restart.
      About DagPicG
	Displays some information about the program like
	version date etc...
	Displays memory status information.

There are numerous buttons on the main screen that perform a
variety of tasks from loading image files to zooming in and
out.  Many of the buttons actually duplicate menu functions
and are present only as a optional shortcut. The various
buttons and their description follow:

     Clear All
       This button duplicates the menu function Edit:Clear
       All. Selecting will delete all the pictures currently
       in memory.
     Add Pic
     Delete Pic
       Again, these buttons duplicate the similar menu functions
       found in the Edit menu by either adding or deleting the
       current picture.
       This duplicates the File:Load Picture menu option by
       loading a IMG or CIF into memory. All pictures in
       memory are deleted whether anything is loaded or not.
     Save All
       This duplicates the File:Save All menu option and saves
       all pictures in memory to a specified IMG or CIF file,
       depending on the number of pictures current in memory.
     Load PCX
       This duplicates the File:Load PCX menu option by loading
       a specified PCX file into memory.  All pictures in memory
       are deleted whether a PCX file is loaded or not.
     Save PCX
       This duplicats the File:Save PCX menu option by saving
       the currently displayed image to a specified PCX file.
       Exit the program.  A prompt is displayed before the
       program will actually exit.
       Selects the zoom factor as in the View menu.
       Centers the current image in the display as in the
       View:Center menu.
       This button is not duplicated by any menu option.  Selecting
       this button and then clicking on a portion in the current
       image will flood fill an area with the current selected
       color.  If a point outside the image area or the ESC key
       is pressed, nothing will occur.
       This button will alter the current displayed image size
       and is duplicated by the Edit:Change Size menu item.
       This button creates a number of random pixels of the
       current color in the image.  It is not duplicated by
       any menu item.
     NoGap / Gap
       This button toggles the display of a 1 pixel gap between
       the displayed image pixels.  This might be useful at certain
       zoom factors in order to distinguish pixels of similar
       color.  It is not duplicated by any menu item.
     Next Pic
     Prev Pic
       These two buttons allow one to scroll through the current
       pictures in memory.  These aren't duplicated by any menu
       item but are by the Page Up and Page Down keys.

The palette area can be found at the very bottom of the screen.
To select a color simply click with the left mouse button on
the desired color. The default palette is the Daggerfall palette
MAP.PAL and the system colours (such as buttons, windows, and text)
are defined from this palette.  In the advent of another palette
being loaded from a PAL, COL or IMG file the display will most
likely become and perhaps unusable.  In the case of a unusable
palette (you can't see anything) you can quit the program by
pressing ESC followed by the 'Y' key.

The picture area is the large black portion in the middle of
the DagPicG screen.  This is where the current image will be
displayer when one is loaded or created.  The corners of a
displayed image will be denoted by white markers, useful if
the picture is entirely black or a similar dark color.  To
change a pixels color simply click on the picture area with
the left mouse button.  To get a color from the picture click
on the desired pixel with the right mouse button.  Pretty
simple eh...?

The status area can be found at the bottom right corner of
the screen. Although you can't directly change anything here
it will display various information about the current state
of the program.  The first line is the current filename of
the image.  The second is the current filename of the palette.
The third shows the currently displayed image and the number
of images currently loaded in memory.  The fourth gives the
current color index selected from the palette, and the last
line gives the dimensions in pixels of the currently selected

Although a two-button mouse is required for the program, many
of the various features can be activated with various keys as

      Pressing this at most places in the program will exit
      and cancel you  from whatever you are doing (such as
      menus, loading/saving, etc...).  When pressed from the
      main display you are prompted whether you wish to exit
      or not.
    Left/Right/Up/Down/Home/End Cursor Keys
      Use these keys to scroll the currently displayed image
      around.  Useful if the image is larger than the displayable
      area or you are on a high zoom factor.  Use the Center
      button/menu item to reset the scrolling.
      These keys duplicate the Next Pic and Prev Pic buttons
      to move through the various pictures in memory.
      This combination brings up a debug window showing the
      status of the currently available memory and the heap
      status.  If the heap status ever reads as -1 or Corrupt
      exit the program immediately and reboot your computer
      to be safe.  A value of -1 from the heap check function
      means that your computers memory has been messed up and
      nasty things will likely happen (anything in memory might
      be overwritten or corrupted and permanently lost).
      The 'Y' and 'N' keys can be substituted when you are
      prompted with a Yes or No type question, such as when
      you wish to exit.

  - The program is limited to a maximum of 100 images at one
  - Images cannot exceed 320x200 pixels in size.
  - Filenames and path lengths have a finite size.  If you happen
    to exceed this length program operation is not defined (I don't
    know what will happen).  This shouldn't be a problem unless
    you're intentionally looking to crash the program.
  - IMPORTANT: Memory is not always freed when a picture is deleted.
    This means that you might eventually run out of memory if you
    are editting a large number of pictures for a while.  Use the
    ALT+D keys to check the available memory often and quit/reload
    if it drops too low. I've never had a problem with corrupt
    memory so you shouldn't have to worry about it too much.
  - You can't yet change drives when loading/saving programs.
    I'll probably include this eventually but I hope it won't
    inconvienence to many people.

This program and related source code is public domain and can be
copied and distributed at will.  If you decide to use any of the
source code for any commerical or non-commercial purposes, I do
ask that you give credit where it is due.  I would also consider
it courtesy to tell me where are for what its being used for (for
gloating purposes only...;).

I cannot be held responsible for any damage incurred through the
use of this program.  Through-out the many hours of debugging/
testing I've never had anything happen more severe than a mild
freeze up (most often due to my incompetance by attempting to
delete a NULL pointer or something). If you due notice any bug
or crash, please let me know so I can fix it..Thanks.

If you have any problems, suggestions or comments on this page or website, please feel free to use the Contact Form to send a message to the WebMaster.
This document was last modified on: Saturday, 19 February 2011, at 09:55:52 and has been accessed 3234 times ( dagger/files/dagpicg.txt ).