Daggerfall Xtra Quests Volume 2

Welcome to Daggerfall Xtra Quests, Volume 2.  This is an addition of
Daggerfall quests, created by Skeleton Man.  Enjoy!


These files are quests for Daggerfall.  To install, all you must do is copy
them to the ARENA2 directory under Daggerfall.  They will automatically come
up in the game.  Be sure to keep this TXT in case you need to know quest
names to pass them on, edit them, or delete them.


There are a total of 15 quests.  The following is a short description of

Commoner Quest 1 (A0c00y21)
  You are asked to steal a potion from a shop, to cure a dying person.

Commoner Quest 2 (A0c00y22)
  The vampires have become angered at a man. You must watch over him until
  he is ready to escape.

Commoner Quest 3 (A0c10y23)
  You meet a vampire, that sends you on a secret mission to kill another
  vamp for him.

Akatosh Chantry Quest 1 (D0b40y01)
  You are sent to kill an evil dragon.

Kynaran Order Quest 1 (G0b91y01) - ARTIFACT QUEST!
  You are chosen to recieve the Lord's Mail, if you can save a temple from
  corruption by destroying a scroll in it.

Merchant Quest 1 (K0c10y11)  M0b10y21
  A man asks for your help, sounding insane. You must escort him to several
  places, while fighting off his enemies (daedra lords and seducers). This
  is probably the most difficult quest in the pack.

Merchant Quest 2 (K0c20y12)
  A werewolf hunter offers you a job: kill a lycanthrope.

Merchant Quest 3 (K0c30y13)
  Just like Merchant Quest 2, but for a vampire...

Dark Brotherhood Quest 1 (L0b30y12)
  Simple assasination.  Travel to another town, find the house, and slit
  his throat.

Dark Brotherhood Quest 2 (L0b40y13)
  A merchant has crossed paths with the brotherhood, and so must die.

Fighters Guild Quest 1 (M0b50y20)
  You're sent to a house in town, where you fight one of 4 different

Mages Guild Quest 1 (N0b21y22)
  An experiment gone wrong left several imps running loose in a dungeon
  somewhere.  You need to clean up by killing the imps.

Thieves Guild Quest 1 (O0b40y15)
  You have to do a little breaking and entry for the guild...

Thieves Guild Quest 2 (O0b10y16)
  Do some smuggling of drugs.

Witches Coven Quest 1 (Q0c10y09)
  One of the witches has disappeared.  You must find her.

  I heard from numerous people that they wanted quests that gave artifacts.
  I decided that I would put one in, but I made it only apply to a single
  temple.  If you don't want to have this quest in the game, simply don't
  put the .QRC or .QBN in your ARENA2 directory.


I am always looking for quests to put in future packs.
If you have made any cool quests, and want to get them on the web,
send them to me!  My address is at the bottom of the file.

Also, if you have any ideas for cool quests, send them to me and I'll
see what I can do.


If you find an error with one of the quests, TELL ME!  It won't
get fixed unless you notify me.  I will do my best to fix the

And please, be specific.  Saying "The Fighter's Guild quest won't
work" tells me nothing.  Describe the problem.  For example,
"I got the fighter's guild quest to kill the Vampire ancient.  When
I went to collect my reward, I got told I failed."  This explains
the problem to me, and I can fix it.

Thanks to anyone who pointed out mistakes in the first pack. I
know there were some...


If you wish to distribute these files, go ahead.  Just be sure to
include this TXT, and I wouldn't mind knowing (you don't HAVE to
tell me, though).


There is an original Daggerfall Xtra Quests, containing 9 quests
for Daggerfall. It is available at my website.  The URL is on
the bottom of the page.

A 3rd pack is going to be released, and also a special edition of
the original.  These will be posted on my site, but ONLY MY SITE.
I have decided to keep all further packs exclusive to my site.
You will only be available to download them there.  So, visit my
site to find out how they are coming.

Also, SEND YOUR QUESTS.  Making a quest can be a very fun thing.  I
did it, didn't I?  Your quest will be evaluated, and you will
be notified if it will be put in.


I would like to know what kind of quests people like the most.
On my site, you can fill out a survey about the pack.  Please
go there and fill it out, as it will help me make quests people
enjoy more.  My URL is at the bottom of this file.


These quests were created by Skeleton Man (Benji Hauser), using DMPQUEST.

Send any comments to: habenji@hotmail.com
  Visit my site: www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Fortress/5802/
    It is all about TES (mainly Daggerfall), so go there for 
    anything you need to know.

Chat with me! On IRC - server mouse.igalaxy.net channel #daggerfall
	      On the WWW - The chat on my website...
		My nick for all these chats is SkeletonM or Skeleton Man

DMPQUEST was written by Michael P. Schneider 
( slannesh@pacbell.net ) with help/information from
  Scott Jennings - wirehead@cei.net
  Dave Humphrey - aj589@freenet.carleton.ca

The latest version of DMPQUEST can be found at

Thanks to Lost Prophet and Xanathan for all the help. You guys are great!

If you have any problems, suggestions or comments on this page or website, please feel free to use the Contact Form to send a message to the WebMaster.
This document was last modified on: Saturday, 19 February 2011, at 09:55:52 and has been accessed 3326 times ( dagger/files/xtraqst2.txt ).