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Battlespire:Dremora Methats

< Battlespire: NPCs(Redirected from Battlespire:Methats)
Lord Methats

Dremora Methats (also called Lord Methats) is the Dremora overseer of Level 1: The Weir Gate. There, his name holds weight: mentioning him may cause other daedra to scamper away in fear or even fight alongside you. Despite his position, he does report to another (see note below). Among his possessions is Lord Methats' Steel Pauldron, which may be exchanged for Clarentavious' Staff of the Typos Sophia. Most conversations with Methats will result in combat.

For more information on Dremora Methats, please see the following page.


Greeting [PCMale]Edit

What are you doing here, mortal? Explain yourself! Are you the Vatasha Trenelle?

Player Response Result
Oh. Yeah, sure. Do you have a message for me? Reply 1
No, I'm not - do you know if she's nearby? Reply 2
I'm, well... here to help... my lord. Do you have any orders for me? Reply 2
[&RathineName] Lord Rathine has sent me to serve you. Reply 3

Greeting [PCFemale]Edit

What are you doing here, mortal? Explain yourself! Are you the Josian Kaid?

Player Response Result
Oh. Yeah, sure. Do you have a message for me? Reply 1
No, I'm not - do you know if he's nearby? Reply 2
I'm, well... here to help... my lord. Do you have any orders for me? Reply 2
[&RathineName] Lord Rathine has sent me to serve you. Reply 3

Reply 1Edit

I have awaited you, and have a proposal that might spare your life. Please place your weapons on the ground in front of you, and we can talk.

Player Response Result
Very well... I shall. As long as this isn't a trick. Reply 4 DROPREADYWEAPON
Not a chance, friend. Reply 4

Reply 2Edit

So what are you? I don't see your badge of service. Are you one of the Battlemages?

Player Response Result
Yes. Yes I am. And in fairness I should advise you that I'm a mighty powerful one, too. Reply 4
Actually, no. I'm a student and I'm here for a test, but it seems that's not going to happen now, so if you could just show me how to get out of here, I'll be on my way. Thanks. Reply 5
Gee, I must have dropped it somewhere. Could you give me a new one? Reply 4
[&DohtAmulet] I have this amulet here, if that's what you mean. Reply 3

Reply 3Edit

Good. I need you. The idiot Scamps have been skulking about disabling the anchors. We didn't come this far to be robbed of the prize by the antics of Scamps. Go check the anchors, re-connect them where necessary, and make sure the scamps stay well clear of them. Dismissed.

Player Response Result
At once, my lord. I go at once. END &MethatsNice

Reply 4Edit

Then you are a fool, and shall die like one.

Player Response Result
You wouldn't like to take a bet on that, would you? END MONSTERATTACK

Reply 5Edit

How amusing. The way out? Yes, certainly.

Player Response Result
Oh, thank you, sir. END MONSTERATTACK

Greeting [&MethatsNice]Edit

What are you doing here? Go back and guard the anchors immediately!

Player Response Result
As you wish, my lord. END
[&PCFemale] I was wondering if you could tell me about Kaid. Reply 6
[&PCMale] I was wondering if you could tell me about Trenelle. Reply 6

Reply 6Edit

Still curious about your Mortal friend? I fear you may be a defective servant.

Player Response Result
No, no, no, I didn't mean anything by it. END MONSTERATTACK


[[From its baleful glance, you guess it is little interested in anything you have to say.]]

[[It seems little interested in anything you have to say.]]
