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Betrayal:Betrayal of the Second Era

BT-concept-Betrayal Boxart.png
Game Information
Setting Tamriel
Time Period
2E 582
Development Information
Developer Chip Theory Games
Release Date January 2025
Concept Art

The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era is a tabletop game licensed by ZeniMax Online Studios and developed by Chip Theory Games. The game revolves around the plot of the mage Deslandra, who believing that many of Tamriel's atrocities were caused with magic, seeks to forever sever the flow of magicka and its influences on Mundus. You and other adventurers uncover her plan and look to stop her Great Nullification, coming into conflict with Deslandra and her Soldiers of the Void faction, and witness her make full use of the vast resources and the connections she gained over the years.


Previews and Reviews

See Also
