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Events in Castles are limited time and provide unique rewards for completing tasks and clearing quests on a limited time map.

Event: Ancient Redguard MagicEdit

Though mostly known for their swordsmanship, Redguards long ago perfected the use of combat magic in all its forms.

Complete this special Event Mission to outfit the next generation of Redguard battle mages!

Earn Atronite and XP by completing all Tasks in this Event Mission!


  Ancient Redguard Magic
Craft 15 Fabrics 20 XP
Craft 2 Robes 20 XP
Craft 15 Ingots 20 XP
Craft 2 Staves 20 XP
50-75 xp

Event: The Archery TournamentEdit

The fighter's guild is organizing a grand archery tournament throughout the empire.

  • Craft high-quality bows at the Forge
  • Equip your best archers with them
  • Bring down bandits, trolls, and a dragon to win the tournament!

Complete all Tasks in this event mission to earn Atronite!


  The Archery Tournament
Produce 30 Ingots at the Furnance 20 XP
Craft 10 Bows 20 XP
Upgrade 1 Bow to Level 4 20 XP
Defeat 10 Bandits 20 XP
Defeat 10 Trolls 20 XP
Defeat 1 Dragon 20 XP
75 xp

Event: Baby BoomEdit

Baby Boom

'Tis the season of Mara, and love reigns supreme! Babies born during this time have a higher chance of being Legendary.

  • Make room for a nursery
  • Celebrate love at the Shrine of Mara
  • Assign couples to the bedroom and see what ensues

Complete all Tasks in this event mission to populate your castle and earn Atronite!


  Baby Boom
Live: Build 4 rooms 20 XP
Laugh: Build 3 decorations 20 XP
Love: Celebrate 3 Marriages 20 XP
Labor: Make 6 babies 20 XP
50 xp

Event: Border PatrolEdit

We need to patrol the realm's borders to keep out roving gangs of bandits and goblins!

  • Craft your finest combat gear
  • Hunt hordes of goblins
  • Teach a lesson to any bandit opposing our kingdom!

Complete all Tasks in this event mission to earn Atronite!


  Border Patrol
Produce 25 Ingots at the Furnace 20 XP
Craft 2 Swords 20 XP
Craft 2 Shields 20 XP
Craft 2 Plate Armors 20 XP
Defeat 20 Goblins 20 XP
Defeat 15 Bandits 20 XP
50 xp

Event: Cull the Bandit ThreatEdit

Bandit raids are on the rise, and the people are calling for action!

  • Mobilize a patrol at the War Table
  • Complete quests on the event map
  • Bring swift justice to the lawless thugs

Complete event quest to earn Atronite and gear!

Complete all Tasks in to earn a Legendary Pack and a Rare Subject [sic]!


  1. The Bandit Lair
  2. Raiders of the Realm
  3. The Dangerous Grove
  4. The Mage Outlaws
  5. Revenge of the Acolytes
  6. Attack on the Bandit Outpost
  7. A Den of Thieves
  8. Daggers in the Dark
  9. Day of Reckoning
  10. The Bandit Lord's Chambers


  Cull the Bandit Threat
Discover the Bandit Lair (Quest 1) 20 XP
Defeat 8 Mages 20 XP
Take down the Bandit Acolytes (Quest 5) 20 XP
Complete 15 Objectives on the Event Map 20 XP
Raid the Bandit Lord's Chambers (Quest 10) 20 XP
100 xp

Event: A Fine BladeEdit

A master blacksmith offers his latest series of fine swords as a tribute to our brave adventurers.

  • Equip your fighters with your best gear
  • Test your weapons on the event map
  • Smash the Skeleton Enforcer

Complete event quest to earn Atronite and gear!

Complete all Tasks in to obtain Yar gro-Shar, an Epic Blacksmith!


  1. Chasing Goblins
  2. The Calling of the Sword
  3. A Blade in the Woods
  4. The Wild Woodlands
  5. The Goblin Chief
  6. The Cave of Sadness
  7. Metal Echoes
  8. The Pact of Steel
  9. The Den of Bedlam
  10. The Skeletal Enforcer


  A Fine Blade
Track some goblins down to their hideout (Quest 1) 20 XP
Complete 1 event quest using a level 3 sowrd 20 XP
Defeat the Goblin Chief (Quest 5) 20 XP
Defeat 10 Skeletons 20 XP
Complete 15 Objectives on the Event Map 20 XP
Defeat the Skeleton enforcer (Quest 10) 20 XP
100 xp
Yar gro-Shar

Event: Masters of the BladeEdit

Redguard smithing techniques are as advanced and refined as their sword fighting style. Celebrate both types of mastery by completing this special event mission!

Earn Atronite and XP by completing all tsks in this event mission!


  Masters of the Blade
Craft 25 Ingots 20 XP
Craft 2 Swords 20 XP
Craft 2 Plate Armors 20 XP
Craft 2 Shields 20 XP
Defeat 20 Goblins on Quest Map 20 XP
Defeat 15 Bandits on Quest Map 20 XP
75 xp

Event: New FashionEdit

The imperial tailors seek inspiration for next year's collection.

  • Get your weavers busy at the Loom
  • Make court outfits at the Sewing Table
  • Craft scepters at the Workshop

Complete all Tasks in this event mission to earn Atronite!


  New Fashion
Produce 15 Fabrics at the Loom 20 XP
Craft 3 Ruler's Attires 20 XP
Craft 3 Noble's Clothes 20 XP
Craft 3 Scepters 20 XP
50 xp

Event: Of Ogres and TrollsEdit

Marauding bands of Ogres and Trolls ambushed several merchants of late.

  • Assemble your fighters at the War Table
  • Beat every quest of the event map
  • Defeat the Troll Chief

Complete event quests to earn Atronite and gear!

Complete all Tasks to earn a Legendary Pack!


  1. The Ogre's Ambush
  2. A Turmoil of Goblins
  3. The Spriggan Trap
  4. The Savage Grove
  5. Rage of the Ogre Chief
  6. Cry of the Forest Troll
  7. The Strange Caves
  8. Persona Non Grotto
  9. The Cavern Hideout
  10. The Troll Chief's Lair


  Of Ogres and Trolls
Fail the Ogre's Ambush (Quest 1) 20 XP
Defeat 25 Goblins 20 XP
Eliminate the Ogre Chief (Quest 5) 20 XP
Defeat 15 Bandits on Quest Map 20 XP
Complete 15 Objectives on the Event Map 20 XP
Defeat the Troll Chief (Quest 10) 20 XP
100 xp

Event: Rise of the Battle MagesEdit

The next generation of battle mages needs the right equipment to ensure victory.

  • Produce fabrics and ingots.
  • Craft the robes and powerful staves.
  • Outfit battle mages with upgraded gear and send them questing.

Complete all Tasks in this event mission to earn Atronite!


  Rise of the Battle Mages
Produce 15 Fabrics at the Loom 20 XP
Craft 2 Robes 20 XP
Produce 15 Ingots at the Furnace 20 XP
Craft 2 Staves 20 XP
50 xp

Event: Sharpened to PerfectionEdit

A master blacksmith has made a dagger so sharp it'll cut through one's soul. It's ours if we show ourselves worthy fighters.

  • Assemble adventures at the War Table
  • Make your way through the event map
  • Wipe out the bandits and their goblin allies.

Complete event quests to earn Atronite, Quartz, and more!

Complete all Tasks to earn Soul Cutter, a Legendary Dagger!


  1. Scouting Party
  2. The Evil in the Woods
  3. The Forest Tribe
  4. Ambush in the Trees
  5. The Sharpshooter
  6. Cold Metal
  7. The Gostly Knife
  8. The Frigid Caves
  9. Testing the Blade
  10. Raid on the Bandint Outpost


  Sharpened to Perfection
Defeat the Bandit scouting party (Quest 1) 20 XP
Complete a quest using a Level 3 Dagger or higher 20 XP
Vanquish the Bandit lieutenant (Quest 5) 20 XP
Kill 10 Goblins 20 XP
Complete 15 Objectives on the Event Map 20 XP
Eliminate the local Bandit threat (Quest 10) 20 XP
100 xp
  Soul Cutter

Event: Skeever of Unusual SizeEdit

Skeever of Unusual Size

A scruffy wood elf called Dervenin has disappeared after rambling about a giant skeever. We should investigate.

  • Organize a search party at the War Table
  • Locate and rescue Dervenin
  • Put the rumors of giant skeevers to rest

Complete event quests to earn Atronite, Redguard gear, and more!

Complete all Tasks to receive Legendary items!


  1. The Verminous Wood
  2. Large Rodents of the Forest
  3. The Rat's Tail
  4. The Rotting Grove
  5. Stench of Death
  6. The Infested Cavern
  7. Jeepers skeevers!
  8. The Underground Plague
  9. Into the Catacombs
  10. Whiskers End
  11. The Infected Glade
  12. The Pestilent Forest
  13. The Ill Caves
  14. A Mouse Problem
  15. The Nest of Horror


  Skeever of Unusual Size
Rescue Dervenin (Quest 1) Dervenin
Welcome Dervenin at the throne 20 XP
Defeat 15 Goblins 20 XP
Verify rumors of Giant Skeever (Quest 5) 20 XP
Defeat 3 Ogres 20 XP
Investigate the second Giant Skeever sighting (Quest 10) 20 XP
Complete 20 Quest Objectives 20 XP
Defeat the Skeever Mattriarch (Quest 15) Robes of Mania
150 xp
  Cold Finger

Event: A Strange GatheringEdit

Self-serving sorcerers are assimilating local goblins tribes into their new death cult. This can't be allowed!

  • Mobilize your team at the War Table
  • Send them questing on the event map
  • Put an end to this sinister gathering

Complete event quests to earn Attronite and gear!

Complete all Tasks to earn a Legendary Pack and an Epic subject!


  1. The Goblin outpost
  2. Rise of the Cultists
  3. Too Many Goblins
  4. A Shadow in the Forest
  5. Wrath of the Goblin Chief
  6. Partners in Crime
  7. The Coven of Chaos
  8. The Dark Alliance
  9. The Caves of the Unknown
  10. The Lair of the Arch-Mage
  11. The Necromancer's Apprentice
  12. Deep in the Woods
  13. Soldiers of the Night Lord
  14. The Inner Circle
  15. The Unholy Prophet


  A Strange Gathering
Capture the Goblin outpost (Quest 1) 20 XP
Defeat 25 Goblins 20 XP
Eliminate the Goblin Chief (Quest 5) 20 XP
Defeat 10 Mages 20 XP
Take out the Arch-Mage (Quest 10) 20 XP
Complete 20 objectives on Event Map 20 XP
Bring down the Necromancer (Quest 15) 20 XP
150 xp
Fabia Maxima

Event: Swords & LedgerEdit

A Redguard toolmaker named Sayma needs help retrieving precious ores from the crooked mages who swindled her. She will join your castle in exchange for support against the mages and their patron, a notorious bandit lord.

Earn Atronite and gear by completing event quests! Complete all tasks to obtain Epic subject Sayma, an event pack, and lots of XP!


  1. The Dead Forest
  2. The Desolate Woods
  3. The Petrified Forest
  4. The Scorching Glade
  5. The Dying Oasis
  6. The Arid Caves
  7. The Dusty Cavern
  8. The Dessicate Tunnels
  9. The Gaping Grotto
  10. The Sizzling Dungeon


  Swords & Ledger
Complete Quest 1: The Dead Forest 20 XP
Defeat 7 Mages 20 XP
Complete Quest 5: The Dying Oasis 20 XP
Complete 15 Objectives on the Event Map 20 XP
Complete Quest 10: The Sizzling Dungeon 20 XP
100 xp

Event: The Undead ScourgeEdit

A gang of unlucky grave robbers unwittingly released an ancient evil on the realm.

  • Assemble your fighters at the War Table
  • Complete quests on the event map
  • Destroy the armies of the undead

Complete event quests to earn Atronite and gear!

Complete all Tasks to earn a Legendary Pack and an Epic Subject!


  1. The Cursed Tomb
  2. The Bone Patrol
  3. The Ghost in the Trees
  4. The Dead Hunt
  5. The Spectral Forest
  6. The Lost Grove
  7. Underground Echoes
  8. The Caves of Deaspair
  9. Into the Depths
  10. The Unholy Matriarch
  11. The Skeleton's Dagger
  12. The Wandering Undead
  13. The Caves of the Lost
  14. The Undiscovered Grotto
  15. The Tample of Death


  The Undead Scourge
Raid the Crused Tomb (Quest 1) 20 XP
Defeat 8 Skeletons 20 XP
Smash of the Skeleton Enforcer in the Spectral Forest (Quest 5) 20 XP
Defeat 6 Ghoasts 20 XP
Vanquish the Wisp Matriarch (Quest 10) 20 XP
Complete 20 Objectives on the Event Map 20 XP
Destroy the Arch Lich in the Temple of Death (Quest 15) 20 XP
150 xp

Event: A Well-Trained MilitiaEdit

The Emperor encourages every ruler to organise a militia to fend off bandits.

  • Supply your fighters with food
  • Give them your best axes
  • Hone those axes on bandit skulls

Complete all Tasks in this event mission to earn Atronite!


  A Well-Trained Militia
Collect 3 Food 20 XP
Produce 15 Ingots at the Furnace 20 XP
Craft 5 Battleaxes 20 XP
Upgrade 3 Battleaxes 20 XP
Use any Special Ability 5 times in Combat 20 XP
Defeat 10 Bandits 20 XP
50 xp


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