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< Castles:Rulings
<Royal Address>, did I tell you you were my favorite (uncle / aunt)? I've always considered you a friend, but I feel we don't spend enough time together. Do you agree?[up]

Min. Recurrence Time: 3 hours
Dynasty Level >= 11
Ruling Requester Traits include all of: not Heartless
Ruling Requester Any of: relationship to Ruler is Nephew/Niece
Ruling Requester All of: relationship to Ruler is not Friend, relationship to Ruler is not Lover, relationship to Ruler is not Enemy
Random Weight: 25

We will feast in honor of family and friendship!

Ruler Traits include any of: Tribal
Food >= 34%
Allow Costs to Reduce to Inventory Amount: Yes

We cannot give the impression of playing favorites. or

Our relationship should remain as it is. or
We are flattered, but must remain neutral. or
We're sorry (nephew / niece), we are rather busy right now. Come back later.

Our friendship is worth more than words. Pay up. or

Surely our friendship is worth something, <Requester's First Name>? or
Perhaps a little gift would facilitate our friendship. or
A gift from our dear (nephew / niece) would help this friendship bloom.


Ruler Traits include all of: not Tribal


+330 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

We would be honored to count you as a friend. or

Of course we accept you as a friend, <Requester's First Name>. or
We are glad to count you as a friend. or
We have always been friends, (nephew / niece).


Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png