Category:Online-Pickpocketable NPCs-Bard
This page lists all of the pickpocketable NPCs in Elder Scrolls Online who are Bards.
Pages in category "Online-Pickpocketable NPCs-Bard"
The following 172 pages are in this category, out of 172 total.
- Online:Abadusa
- Online:Agrulla
- Online:Ah-Shehs
- Online:Aireh
- Online:Alain Caria
- Online:Alesah
- Online:Alinya
- Online:Alrdorion
- Online:Amberlee the Doughty
- Online:Amjhad
- Online:Annagail
- Online:Anriel
- Online:Arani Longhair
- Online:Ardile Benel
- Online:Arisho
- Online:Ashahdr
- Online:Athanas Samori
- Online:Attiri Steel-Fist
- Online:Attring the Songbird
- Online:Audania Decanius
- Online:Auditory Stimulator
- Online:Audric Giroux
- Online:Axel Plourde