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< Daggerfall: Items
A standard book

There are a number of books to be found in Daggerfall. Most are for reading, while a few others exist for different purposes.

This article covers books only. For readable letters, notes, and other documents seen during quests, see here.

Standard BooksEdit

The interface when reading

There are 91 readable books in Daggerfall containing a wide variety of texts: non-fiction about the past and present with varying levels and angles of bias, dubious myths, and entertaining fictional tales, as well as songs and jokes. As in real life, reading is optional, but it can enrich your experience by expanding your understanding of the lore and culture of the peoples of the Iliac Bay and the wider Empire of Tamriel. You are not ever required to read books to progress — even in quests that involve one as a quest item — nor do any provide an explicit bonus like the skill books of later games, however a few books do reveal morsels of useful information relevant to gameplay.

Books may be found as dungeon loot or enemy drops, and can be bought and sold at book stores, general stores, and pawn shops. There are also libraries which allow books to be read for free: public libraries which are accessible to anyone, and private libraries found in Mages Guild halls and temples, which can only be used by members of those factions.

In the inventory a book can be read with the 'use' function. The book's author, as well as value and weight, can be seen with the 'info' function. In a library you are only presented with a list of titles to select from, with no way to see the author. All standard books use the same inventory icon and all have a weight of 2.00kg. At the beginning of the text of each book is a title in a large font. This internal title does not always match the title used as the item name; for clarity, only the item name is used in the table below.

A list of these books divided by subject can be found here.

Title   Author Description Gameplay Notes
The Alik'r
580 Enric Milres A description of time spent in the Alik'r Desert
Ark'ay The God
562 Mymophonus the Scribe How Ark'ay was transformed from a shopkeeper into the God of Birth and Death
Ark`ay The God
488 Mymophonus the Scribe How Ark'ay was transformed from a shopkeeper into the God of Birth and Death (German version) Not present in the GOG version of Daggerfall. The game incorrectly displays the backtick (`) as an arrow.
The Arrowshot Woman
580 Anonymous Urban legend of woman who thinks she's been shot
The Asylum Ball
580 Waughin Jarth Story of a ball held by the mad Emperor of Tamriel, Pelagius III, at an asylum
Banker's Bet
467 Porbert Lyttumly A humorous story of what people will do for money
Biography of Queen Barenziah, Vol. I
406 Stem Gamboge, scribe Volume One of the life history of Queen Barenziah
Biography of Queen Barenziah, Vol. II
406 Stem Gamboge Volume Two of the life history of Queen Barenziah
Biography of Queen Barenziah, Vol. III
406 Stem Gamboge, scribe Volume Three of the life history of Queen Barenziah
Brief History of the Empire, Part I
352 Stronach Part 1 of a description of events in the history of the Empire
Brief History of the Empire, Part II
352 Stronach Part 2 of a description of events in the history of the Empire
Brief History of the Empire, Part III
352 Stronach Part 3 of a description of events in the history of the Empire
Brief History of the Empire, Part IV
352 Stronach Part 4 of a description of events in the history of the Empire
Broken Diamonds
340 Ryston Baylor A tale of a sorrowful holiday
The Brothers of Darkness
580 Pellarne Assi A brief history of the Dark Brotherhood Hints at the existence of the two hidden joinable guilds, the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild.
Confessions of a Thief
695 Anonymous Some comments from a thief about the Thieves Guild Hints at the existence of one of the two hidden joinable guilds, the Thieves Guild.
Divad the Singer 684 Destri Melarg The early years of Divad the Singer
A Dubious Tale of the Crystal Tower
770 Bibenus Geon An amusing tale of a masquerade
The Ebon Arm
580 Witten Rol Description of the appearance of Reymon Ebonarm, God of War, in a battle
The Epic of the Grey Falcon
580 Anido Jhone, editor Tale of the sole survivor of a pirate attack
Etiquette With Rulers
738 Erystera Ligen The etiquette of speaking with nobles Contains hints about the dialogue system.
The Faerie
580 Szun Triop Discussion of the various types of Faeries and how they relate
The Fall of the Usurper
580 Palaux Illthre A speculative analysis as to the part played by Baron Othrok of Dwynnen in the downfall of the Camoran Usurper
The First Scroll of Baan Dar 580 Arkan A book about the true Baan Dar, God and Man
Fools' Ebony, Part the Oneth
317 Frincheps Part 1 of a playful story of an adventurer and fool's ebony
Fools' Ebony, Part the Twoth
317 Frincheps Part 2 of a playful story of an adventurer and fool's ebony
Fools' Ebony, Part the Threeth
317 Frincheps Part 3 of a playful story of an adventurer and fool's ebony
Fools' Ebony, Part the Fourth
317 Frincheps Part 4 of a playful story of an adventurer and fool's ebony
Fools' Ebony, Part the Fiveth
317 Frincheps Part 5 of a playful story of an adventurer and fool's ebony
Fools' Ebony, Part the Sixth
317 Frincheps Part 6 of a playful story of an adventurer and fool's ebony
Fragment: On Artaeum
676 Taurce Anselma A work explaining some of the history of the Psijic island of Artaeum
Galerion the Mystic
638 Asgrim Kolsgreg A biography of Galerion, a Psijic who founded the Mages Guild
691 Tidasus An overview of the Ghraewaj play, which portrays the creation of harpies
The Healer's Tale
580 Anonymous An amusing anecdote from a healer of the Temple of Stendarr
A History of Daggerfall
358 Odiva Gallwood A relatively unbiased analysis of Daggerfall and the Iliac Bay
Holidays of the Iliac Bay
379 Theth-i An overview of Breton and Redguard holidays commonly celebrated in the Iliac Bay region Gives the dates of many holidays.
Invocation of Azura
452 Sigillah Parate A work written by a priestess of Azura arguing the superiority of Azura to other Daedra Princes Gives the dates of the Daedra summoning days.
Ius, Animal God
385 Buljursoma Two humorous legends concerning the God of Animals, Ius
667 Butha Sunhous A ribald look at the many races of Tamriel
King Edward, Part I
300 Anonymous Part 1 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part 2 300 Anonymous Part 2 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part III
300 Anonymous Part 3 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part IV
300 Anonymous Part 4 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part V
300 Anonymous Part 5 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part VI
300 Anonymous Part 6 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part VII
300 Anonymous Part 7 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part VIII
300 Anonymous Part 8 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part IX
300 Anonymous Part 9 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part X
300 Anonymous Part 10 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part XI
300 Anonymous Part 11 of the story of the life of a long ago king
King Edward, Part XII
300 Anonymous Part 12 of the story of the life of a long ago king
Legal Basics
636 Anchivius, M.Z.F. A summary of common crimes and their punishments Gives hints about crime.
The Legend of Lovers Lament
580 Croll Baumoval A romantic story about a man and woman who keep loving each other until even after their death
The Light and The Dark
580 Irek Unterge A Breton man describes the Light and the Dark to his two grandchildren
The Madness of Pelagius
580 Tsathenes Profiling the renowned Mad Emperor
Mara's Tear
484 Zhen An origin myth for the two moons, Mara's Tear and Shandar's Sorrow
The MemoryStone 580 Makela Leki Diary of Leki, a Redguard warrior and master of Ansei
661 Tetronius Lor A description of the school of Mysticism
Notes For Redguard History 597 Destri Melarg An unmailed letter from an author to his publisher
Oelander's Hammer
424 Krowle The story of Oelander's magical hammer
Of Jephre
738 Anonymous Musings on the nature of the god, Jephre
The Old Ways
580 Celarus A guide to the Psijic Order and their beliefs
On Lycanthropy
419 Varnard Karessen Studies of the nature and habits of Lycanthropes Contains hints on the two kinds of lycanthropy and how they might be cured.
On Oblivion
559 Morian Zenas A guide to Oblivion and the Daedra Contains useful hints regarding Daedra summoning. Hints at the existence of the hidden Dark Brotherhood and witch covens.
Origin of the Mages Guild
687 Salarth Where and how the Mages Guild started
An Overview of Gods and Worship
711 Brother Hetchfeld Speculation concerning the worship of gods and their benefit from such
The Pig Children
580 Tyston Bane Discusses the history of the Orcish threat in the Iliac Bay
The Real Barenziah
580 Anonymous Part 1 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
The Real Barenziah, Part II
580 Anonymous Part 2 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
The Real Barenziah, Part III
580 Anonymous Part 3 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
The Real Barenziah, Part IV
580 Anonymous Part 4 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
The Real Barenziah, Part V
580 Anonymous Part 5 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
The Real Barenziah, Part VI
580 Anonymous Part 6 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
The Real Barenziah, Part VII
580 Anonymous Part 7 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
The True Barenziah, Part VIII
580 Anonymous Part 8 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
The Real Barenziah, Part IX
580 Anonymous Part 9 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
The Real Barenziah, Part X
580 Anonymous Part 10 of an unauthorized biography of the famous Dark Elf Queen of Wayrest
Redguards, History and Heroes 728 Destri Melarg A summary of Redguard history, focusing on Frandar Hunding
Rude Song
513 Anonymous A ribald and irreverent song about spring in the Iliac Bay
The Sage
580 Aegrothius Goth A Breton's journey to become the Sage
A Scholar's Guide to Nymphs
770 Vondham Barres One man's experience with Nymphs
Special Flora of Tamriel
453 Hardin A list of the rare plants of Tamriel
The Story of Lyrisius
580 Bresne Smythe Epic tale of Lyrisius and the wyrm of Akavir
A Tale of Kieran
312 Vegepythicus, editor Several tales of Kieran the Bard
Vampires of the Iliac Bay, Part I
429 Anonymous Part 1 of a story of a man's journey into vampirism Explains how vampirism is caught and the early symptoms.
Vampires of the Iliac Bay, Part II
429 Anonymous Part 2 of a story of a man's journey into vampirism Explains how unlife goes as a vampire, and hints at the cure.
599 Anonymous Story of one man's summoning of Sheogorath and descent into madness Contains hints about Daedra summoning, specifically regarding Hermaeus Mora, Sheogorath, and their artifacts.
The War of Betony
580 Fav'te A Sentinel citizen's take on the events and outcome of the war betwixt Sentinel and Daggerfall
The War of Betony
580 Vulper Newgate A description of the events of the War of Betony from the Daggerfall perspective
Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay
348 Sathyr Longleat A history of the city Wayrest, circa 3E 405
The Wild Elves
580 Kiergo Chorvak Brief description of the Ayleids, or Wild Elves
These books have drafts with notable differences in the Daggerfall Preview.


Books are key items in the following quests:

Note that in the quest Barenziah's Book, the eponymous "book" is in fact a parchment manuscript.

Other BooksEdit

There are three other book items which do not fit into the same category as the above readable books. They vary in use.


Value: 50
Weight: 0.75 kg

Your spellbook lists all of the spells you know and must be in your inventory to cast them. Every player character, regardless of spellcasting ability, begins the game with one. If lost, replacements can be purchased by members of the Mages Guild and School of Julianos. For more information on spellcasting, see here.

Oghma InfiniumEdit

Value: 50,000
Weight: 2.00 kg

The Oghma Infinium is a powerful single-use artifact. For more information on its effect, acquisition, and background, see here.

Holy tomeEdit

Value: 2,500
Weight: 2.00 kg

Holy tomes have no function and exist primarily to be sold. For more information, see here.