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Daggerfall:Daggerfall (Region)

< Daggerfall: Places: Regions

For the city, see Daggerfall (city).

Daggerfall: Region Summary
Province High Rock
Ruler Gothryd
Capital Daggerfall City
Populace Breton
Knightly Order Knights of the Dragon
Patron Deity Kynareth
Regional Temple Temple of Kynareth
Vampire Bloodline Vraseth
Distinct Locations 1331
Cities, Towns, Villages 400
Homes, Farms, Taverns 528
Temples & Shrines 135
Distinct Dungeons 267
Witch Covens 1

The Kingdom of Daggerfall is a region on the southern coast of High Rock, named after its capital city, Daggerfall. It is bordered by the Iliac Bay to the south, Tulune, Glenpoint, and Ilessan Hills to the north, and Shalgora to the east. The Vraseth clan is the dominant vampire bloodline in the region.

The region is home to The Sisters of The Bluff and the Coven on The Bluff can be found here.

Political ViewsEdit

Political Factions
(by influence)
Daggerfall 80
King Gothryd
The Royal Guard
Queen Aubk-i
Lord Bridwell
Knights of the Dragon
Lady Northbridge
Court of Daggerfall
People of Daggerfall
Court of Betony
People of Betony
Allies None
Enemies None
Allied with Daggerfall
The Temple of Kynareth

Lord Coulder

Service LocationsEdit

Location Name Guild Locations Merchant Locations Temple Locations
Dark Brother-
Fighters Guild Mages Guild Knights of the Dragon Thieves Guild Alche-
Armorers Banks Book-
Clothing Stores General Stores Gem Stores Libraries Pawn Shops Weapon Smiths Kynareth * Other
Aldcart Gen Kyn ZZZ
Aldfort Hill TG Alc Ban Gen Gem Paw ZZZ
Aldingford FG MG Gen Gem Stendarr
Aldinghope Garden Alc Arm Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Aldingwall DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Aldingwark DB MG Gen Gem Kyn ZZZ
Aldingwark Wood Alc Gen Kyn ZZZ
Aldingwich TG Ban Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Aldingwick Hill Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Aldingwood Garden Gen Stendarr
Aldmore DB TG Gen Paw ZZZ
Aldpath Hall Gen ZZZ
Aldtower Hill Gen Wea ZZZ
Arkbridge Gen ZZZ
Arkbury Gen ZZZ
Arkford Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Arkhope Ban Boo Gen Gem Paw Arkay
Arkmoth Arm Ban Clo Gen Wea ZZZ
Arkwark Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Baelbridge TG Gen ZZZ
Baelcart Gen ZZZ
Baelcastle Gen Mara
Baelmoth DB MG KD Alc Arm Ban Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Baelwick Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Baelworth Gen ZZZ
Baelworth Hamlet Gen Julianos
Blackcart Hollow Gen ZZZ
Blackford Alc Gen Kyn ZZZ
Blackfort Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Blackgate Alc Arm Clo Gen Akatosh
Blackidge TG Gen Kyn ZZZ
Blackidge Hamlet Gen Arkay
Blackley Commons Gen ZZZ
Blackmore Alc Arm Gen Zenithar
Blackpath Gen ZZZ
Blackway Wood Alc Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Blackwich Gen ZZZ
Blackwold Arm Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Blackwych Gen Zenithar
Broadford FG Gen ZZZ
Broadfort DB FG Gen Julianos
Broadmont Wood MG Ban Gen Gem Stendarr
Broadpath Minster Alc Arm Gen Akatosh
Broadtry Gen Zenithar
Burgbeth Derry Gen ZZZ
Burgcester DB FG MG Ban Gen Gem Paw Kyn Arkay
Burghope Gen ZZZ
Burgley Gen ZZZ
Burgmont Gen Arkay
Burgtale MG TG Alc Gen Paw ZZZ
Burgtown Gen Gem ZZZ
Burgtry TG Gen Gem Kyn ZZZ
Burgtry Commons FG TG Alc Boo Gen Zenithar
Burgwall DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Burgwood Gen ZZZ
Cathcastle TG Alc Gen Kyn ZZZ
Cathdale Gen Wea ZZZ
Cathfort MG Gen Julianos
Cathing Gen Kyn ZZZ
Cathleigh Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Cathmont Gen ZZZ
Cathton Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Cathtower Hill Gen ZZZ
Cathwark Gen ZZZ
Cathwick Gen ZZZ
Cathwold Gen ZZZ
Charenborne DB MG TG Boo Gen ZZZ
Charenborne Hollow Gen ZZZ
Charenbridge Field Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Charenbrugh Hamlet Gen ZZZ
Charenford MG Ban Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Charening DB TG Alc Ban Gen Kyn ZZZ
Charentale Alc Ban Gen Kyn ZZZ
Charentown Boo Gen Gem ZZZ
Charing DB FG MG KD TG Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Charley Gen Stendarr
Chartale Gen ZZZ
Charton DB FG MG KD TG Arm Ban Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Chartown Rock Gen ZZZ
Chartry Gen Arkay
Charville Gen ZZZ
Charway DB TG Gen Paw Arkay
Charway Rock DB FG Arm Boo Gen ZZZ
Charwood Gen Stendarr
Chesterbrone Gen ZZZ
Chesterbury Gen ZZZ
Chesterleigh Gen ZZZ
Chestershire Gen Mara
Chesterville Gen Wea Dibella
Chesterwark DB FG MG KD TG Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Chesterwich Gen ZZZ
Chesterwick FG Alc Gen Kyn ZZZ
Chesterwick Hamlet DB FG TG Gen Gem Paw Kyn Julianos
Chesterworth Gen Kyn ZZZ
Crombury Hall Gen Dibella
Cromfort Boo Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Cromhope Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Cromwall Gen ZZZ
Cromwell DB FG MG Boo Gen Kyn ZZZ
Cromwych Hill DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Crossborne Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Crosscart Gen ZZZ
Crosscastle Gen ZZZ
Crosscroft Field Gen Dibella
Crosshope Gen Wea ZZZ
Crossmarket DB FG Gen Kyn ZZZ
Crossmont MG Alc Gen Gem ZZZ
Crosstale Wood Gen ZZZ
Crosstry FG MG TG Alc Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Crosswold Borough Gen Dibella
Daggerfall DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Deerbridge Hollow DB MG KD TG Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Deerbury Gen ZZZ
Deering Borough DB FG Arm Gen Kyn ZZZ
Deerwark Ban Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Deerwich Gen Zenithar
Deerwick Gen ZZZ
Deerworth Gen ZZZ
Eastbridge DB Alc Arm Gen Akatosh
Eastcart Gen ZZZ
Eastfort Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Eastfort Rock Gen ZZZ
Eastwell Commons DB FG Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Eastwick FG MG Arm Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Eastwick Moor Gen ZZZ
Fontborne Gen ZZZ
Fontbrugh Gen ZZZ
Fontbury FG Gen Arkay
Fontcester Gen ZZZ
Fonthead Gen ZZZ
Fonthope End Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Fontville Gen ZZZ
Fontwich Gen ZZZ
Fontwold Gen ZZZ
Galloborne Gen ZZZ
Gallocastle Gen Dibella
Galloford Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Gallofort Gen ZZZ
Gallohope Rock Gen ZZZ
Gallotale DB MG KD Alc Ban Gen Lib Paw Kyn ZZZ
Gallovale Moor Gen ZZZ
Gallowell Gen ZZZ
Gallowick TG Gen ZZZ
Galloworth Heath Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Gothcester Gen ZZZ
Gothfort Gen ZZZ
Gothgate Boo Gen Stendarr
Gothham Gen Kyn ZZZ
Gothpath MG TG Alc Gen Paw Zenithar
Gothton End Ban Gen Paw ZZZ
Gothwark Rock FG Alc Ban Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Gothway Gen ZZZ
Gothway Garden FG MG Ban Gen Kyn ZenitharZZZ
Gothway Hall Gen Paw Kyn Stendarr
Gothwick MG TG Boo Gen Gem ZZZ
Graybeth Alc Gen Arkay
Graycastle DB Gen Kyn ZZZ
Grayhead Hall FG TG Gen Paw Julianos
Graypath Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Graytown Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Grayway Gen Dibella
Greenfield's Hold Alc ZZZ
Grimborne Gen ZZZ
Grimfort DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Grimhead Gen Wea Dibella
Grimhope Alc Arm Gen ZZZ
Grimidge Garden Gen ZZZ
Grimidge Minster Gen ZZZ
Griming FG Gen ZZZ
Grimton Gen Stendarr
Grimtower Hall Gen ZZZ
Grimtower Hollow Gen Paw Julianos
Grimway Gen ZZZ
Grimwood MG Gen ZZZ
Grimworth Hall Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Grimwych DB FG Arm Gen Gem Paw Julianos
Holcastle Arm Gen ZZZ
Holham FG MG Arm Ban Gen Gem Lib Paw Kyn ZZZ
Holmarket TG Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Holmarket Commons Arm Gen Paw Dibella
Holmore Field Gen Wea ZZZ
Holtry Hollow Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Holwood Garden FG Gen ZZZ
Holwych Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Horborne Wood Gen Paw ZZZ
Horcester DB TG Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Horcroft Gen Kyn ZZZ
Horidge Boo Clo Gen Paw Akatosh
Horleigh Gen ZZZ
Hortale DB TG Arm Gen Gem ZZZ
Horton Hamlet Gen ZZZ
Hortower Gen Julianos
Horwall Gen ZZZ
Horwell Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Ipsbridge Gen Mara
Ipshead DB FG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Ipsmont Arm Gen Paw ZZZ
Ipsshire Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Ipstale Alc Gen Gem Kyn ZZZ
Ipsworth Field Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Kirkbury Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Kirkcart Wood DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Wea Kyn ZZZ
Kirkleigh Gen ZZZ
Kirkley FG TG Boo Gen Kyn ZZZ
Kirkwell Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Kirkworth Gen ZZZ
Knightscart Gen Zenithar
Knightsham Boo Gen ZZZ
Knightsmoth Gen ZZZ
Knightsshire Gen ZZZ
Knightstower Hill Ban Gen Dibella
Knightstown DB FG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Lambrone Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Lamcastle Borough Gen Zenithar
Lamcroft Gen ZZZ
Lamdale Gen ZZZ
Lamford Hamlet Gen ZZZ
Laming Gen ZZZ
Lamley Derry Gen ZZZ
Lamley Field Gen ZZZ
Lamton Arm Ban Clo Gen Julianos
Lamville Hollow Gen Wea ZZZ
Longbrugh Moor MG TG Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Longbury TG Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Longford Gen ZZZ
Longgate DB FG Boo Gen Gem Akatosh
Longidge Gen ZZZ
Longing Arm Ban Clo Gen Julianos
Longley Gen ZZZ
Longmarket Gen Kyn ZZZ
Longmarket Garden Gen ZZZ
Longmoth MG Boo Gen ZZZ
Longshire Gen ZZZ
Longtale Gen ZZZ
Longtale Heights Gen ZZZ
Longtown DB FG MG TG Arm Ban Boo Gen Gem Lib Paw Kyn ZZZ
Longtry Field DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Longwall Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Longwark DB MG Boo Gen Gem Paw Dibella
Longwell MG TG Gen ZZZ
Longwich End Gen ZZZ
Longwold Court Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Longwych Garden Gen ZZZ
Merbridge Gen ZZZ
Merbury Gen ZZZ
Mercastle FG MG TG Alc Arm Gen Kyn ZZZ
Mercester DB FG MG KD TG Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Wea Kyn ZZZ
Mercroft Court Gen ZZZ
Mergate DB TG Arm Gen Julianos
Merham Gen ZZZ
Merham Heath FG TG Alc Gen Gem Kyn ZZZ
Merley DB Gen Kyn ZZZ
Mermont Gen Arkay
Mertower DB Boo Gen Kyn ZZZ
Midbeth Boo Gen Paw ZZZ
Midbrugh Gen ZZZ
Midbury DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Midcroft Gen Wea ZZZ
Midfort Derry MG TG Arm Gen Paw ZZZ
Midham Gen Gem Akatosh
Midley Gen ZZZ
Midmarket Rock DB Boo Gen Julianos
Midmore MG Arm Gen Kyn ZZZ
Midpath Gen ZZZ
Midwick Boo Gen Kyn ZZZ
Newborne Hollow Gen ZZZ
Newcester DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Newcroft DB Gen ZZZ
Newham Gen ZZZ
Newmore Gen ZZZ
Newtower MG Alc Arm Boo Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Newville Court Gen ZZZ
Newway FG TG Gen ZZZ
Newwick FG MG Ban Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Newwood Wood Gen Julianos
Oxbeth Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Oxham Field FG MG Gen Gem Kyn ZZZ
Oxvale Gen ZZZ
Oxville MG Arm Gen Zenithar
Oxway FG MG TG Arm Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Oxwell Gen ZZZ
Oxwich FG TG Gen Paw Akatosh
Oxwick Boo Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Oxwood Gen ZZZ
Oxworth Gen ZZZ
Penbeth Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Penbrone Gen ZZZ
Penbrugh DB FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Gen Lib Kyn ZZZ
Penbury Garden Gen Gem Kyn Stendarr
Penbury Hamlet Gen Akatosh
Penfort Derry Arm Ban Gen Paw Arkay
Pengate Gen ZZZ
Pengate Derry Gen ZZZ
Penpath Derry Gen ZZZ
Pentale Commons TG Arm Boo Gen Stendarr
Penwold DB MG Ban Gen Gem Stendarr
Penworth Hill Gen Wea ZZZ
Reybrone Gen ZZZ
Reybury Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Reyford DB FG MG KD TG Ban Boo Gen Lib Paw Kyn ZZZ
Reying Gen ZZZ
Reytale Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Reyton Gen Wea ZZZ
Reywich Arm Gen Gem ZZZ
Ripborne TG Gen ZZZ
Ripcester Wood Gen ZZZ
Ripgate Field Gen ZZZ
Ripidge MG Gen Kyn ZZZ
Riplech Gen ZZZ
Ripleigh DB TG Alc Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Ripmarket FG MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Ripmont Court Gen ZZZ
Ripmore DB MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Rippath Heath DB FG Gen Paw Arkay
Ripshire Gen Mara
Ripwick Gen ZZZ
Ripwold End Gen ZZZ
Ripwych Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Ripwych Commons Gen ZZZ
Singbridge DB FG Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Singbrone Gen Julianos
Singbrugh Commons Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Singbrugh Wood Gen ZZZ
Singcroft DB MG KD TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Wea Kyn ZZZ
Singham Hall Gen ZZZ
Singmoth DB MG KD Alc Arm Ban Boo Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Singtower Gen ZZZ
Singwark Boo Clo Gen Paw Stendarr
Singwell Arm Ban Clo Gen Wea ZZZ
Singwood Gen Akatosh
Stokbridge Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Stokdale Gen ZZZ
Stokhead Gen ZZZ
Stokhead Hollow FG MG Gen Paw Arkay
Stokmoth Hollow Gen Zenithar
Stokwell Derry DB Gen Kyn ZZZ
Stokworth DB MG TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Stokworth Moor Gen Julianos
Stokwych Field MG Arm Gen Kyn ZZZ
Tambeth Gen Wea ZZZ
Tamcart Gen ZZZ
Tamhead Gen ZZZ
Tamway Moor Ban Gen Gem Paw Julianos
Tamwick MG Alc Gen Paw Zenithar
Tamwood Gen Stendarr
Tamwych Gen Dibella
The Citadel of Gaersley Alc ZZZ
The Fortress of Gaerfield Alc ZZZ
The Stronghold of Greenhouse Alc ZZZ
Tunbeth Hamlet DB FG MG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Tuncroft MG TG Alc Gen Paw Zenithar
Tunley Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Tunmoth Gen Gem Kyn ZZZ
Tunton Alc Arm Boo Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Tuntower Boo Clo Gen Paw Dibella
Tunwich FG TG Gen ZZZ
Tunworth Gen Julianos
Updale Derry Gen ZZZ
Uplech Arm Ban Clo Gen Arkay
Upshire Gen ZZZ
Uptower Moor DB FG MG Ban Boo Gen Lib Kyn ZZZ
Uptown Gen ZZZ
Upvale Borough Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Upwich TG Arm Gen Julianos
Vanbridge MG Gen Paw Stendarr
Vancroft Wood FG TG Alc Arm Boo Gen Paw Kyn ZZZ
Vanford Gen Zenithar
Vanfort Commons Gen Wea ZZZ
Vanham Wood FG Alc Gen Arkay
Vanidge End Gen ZZZ
Vanmarket Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Vanmore Gen Stendarr
Vantower Court Gen ZZZ
Vanvale DB Alc Arm Gen Gem Kyn ZZZ
Vanwall Hill Gen Dibella
Vanwold Gen Julianos
Warham Gen Arkay
Waridge Moor DB FG MG Alc Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Warlech Gen Wea ZZZ
Warvale Gen Wea ZZZ
Warwood Gen ZZZ
Westbrone Gen ZZZ
Westcroft Gen ZZZ
Westcroft Hamlet Gen Mara
Westfort Derry Ban Gen ZZZ
Westgate Gen ZZZ
Westhead Moor DB FG MG KD Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Westleigh MG Gen Paw Julianos
Westmont Gen Arkay
Westwick Gen Zenithar
Whiteborne MG Boo Gen Zenithar
Whitecroft DB FG TG Arm Gen Mara
Whiteham DB Ban Gen Gem Paw Kyn ZZZ
Whitemoth Gen ZZZ
Whiteton Gen ZZZ
Whitewich FG TG Gen Gem Mara
Whitewood Borough DB FG MG KD TG Arm Ban Gen Gem Lib Kyn ZZZ
Whitewych Alc Arm Clo Gen Zenithar
Wilderford TG Boo Gen Gem Paw Arkay
Wilderham Gen ZZZ
Wildermarket End Gen ZZZ
Wildertown DB FG MG KD TG Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Kyn ZZZ
Wildertry FG TG Boo Gen Gem Kyn ZZZ
Wilderwood Rock Gen ZZZ

* Regional Temples are not listed


Note that Castle Daggerfall, although constructed as a dungeon of the "Human Stronghold" type, is not included in the below table, as it is located within the city of Daggerfall and does not have a distinct map marker.

See also maps and information on all Dragon's Dens, Giant Strongholds, and Laboratories in the region.

Name Type Dungeon Modules Image
The Hawkston Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Necromoghan Vampire Haunt 11
Ruins of Gaerhart Manor Ruined Castle 13
Alabywyr's Gaol Prison 13
The Agryn Prison Prison 8
The Crypts of Yeomham Forgotten Cemetery 5
Dunore Laboratory Laboratory 10
The Mastersmith Vaults Cemetery 5
The House of Baron Garulaus Vampire Haunt 8
The Wicksly Tombs Cemetery 5
Chrystyna Cultus Coven 12
Ruins of Hearthston Manor Giant Stronghold 8
The Ashcroft Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Woodcroft Crypt 10
Ruins of Old Gwynyrrya's Place Coven 8
The Fortress of Gaersmith Ruined Castle 8
The House of Vladingus Vampire Haunt 10
Theodyrick Laboratory Laboratory 10
The Yeomfield Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Citadel of Yeomcroft Ruined Castle 13
The Copperwing Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Ashhart Tombs Cemetery 5
The Tombs of Hearthston Cemetery 5
The Hold of Copperham Barbarian Stronghold 12
The Hearthham Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Alabane House of Correction Prison 13
The Stronghold of Woodcroft Natural Cave 8
The Copperford Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Wickston Tombs Cemetery 5
Castle Corroghar Vampire Haunt 10
Privateer's Hold Human Stronghold 5
Castle Masterwing Crypt 8
Bedard Laboratory Laboratory 14
Castle Greenham Ruined Castle 8
The Dungeon of Peristair Prison 12
Yagrugoth Giant Stronghold 12
The Fortress of Ashham Dragon's Den 8
The Ashhouse Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Greensley's Guard Prison 8
Hawkham's Hold Crypt 8
Ruins of Wicksmith Court Crypt 8
The Crypt of Garomaus Crypt 11
Ruins of Ashford's Hold Barbarian Stronghold 14
Gondyrick Laboratory Laboratory 8
Garenor Hall Vampire Haunt 13
Castle Moorhouse Dragon's Den 8
The Tristyrick Academy Laboratory 13
Ruins of The Hawking Farmstead Ruined Castle 11
The Hawkhouse Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Gaerwing Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Trogker Giant Stronghold 13
The Yeomston Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Pit of Jubiamorgon Natural Cave 13
Ruins of Coppersmith Grange Prison 12
Vermdon Giant Stronghold 8
Woodfield's Guard Ruined Castle 10
The Saheusah Cave Natural Cave 13
The Tombs of Copperhouse Forgotten Cemetery 5
Perynak Laboratory Laboratory 12
The Convocation of Elona Barbarian Stronghold 14
Ruins of The Wicking Farmstead Laboratory 10
Ruins of Old Barbona's Place Dragon's Den 8
The Gaerton Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Gaersmith Tower Crypt 8
Ruins of Old Lysyna's Farm Prison 14
Theodynak Laboratory Laboratory 13
The Wicksley Graveyard Cemetery 4
The Woodwing Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Hold of Moorhouse Ruined Castle 12
Ruins of Old Carololda's Farm Prison 13
The Alabore Prison Prison 13
The Tower of Hawkhart Vampire Haunt 10
The Coppersly Graveyard Cemetery 5
Castle Vladimyth Vampire Haunt 10
The Hearthwing Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
Wicksly's Guard Crypt 8
The Aviary of Morarock Harpy Nest 11
Kinghart's Hold Laboratory 12
Skous Giant Stronghold 10
Evelyrrya Cultus Coven 12
The Crypts of Yeomhouse Forgotten Cemetery 5
Asmeusena's Den Dragon's Den 12
The Sashloth Web Spider Nest 8
The Hold of Moorston Crypt 13
The Citadel of Coppersley Ruined Castle 8
The Kingford Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Citadel of Hawksly Crypt 13
The Buckington Cemetery Cemetery 5
Gaerfield's Guard Prison 10
The Tomb of Garelaus Crypt 10
The Tomb of Baroghoth Crypt 11
The Lair of Gondyn Dragon's Den 8
Vojlodon Giant Stronghold 13
Yeten's Web Spider Nest 8
The Tombs of Moorhouse Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Elyvyra's Shack Ruined Castle 10
The Masterfield Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Crypt of Lithivan Crypt 10
The Gaerfield Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Gaerham Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Graves of Wickham Cemetery 5
The Lair of Uthistair Dragon's Den 8
Baaluchex's Den Dragon's Den 13
The Graves of Buckingham Cemetery 5
Kingsly Tower Dragon's Den 8
The Sahoder Cavern Natural Cave 8
The Fortress of Mastersmith Ruined Castle 13
The Copperston Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Sasherus Giant Stronghold 12
The Citadel of Wickston Ruined Castle 8
The Hearthhart Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Castle of Masterford Ruined Castle 8
Peristair Laboratory Laboratory 8
The Barrow of Stadivam Crypt 12
The Morgyn Coven Coven 12
The Hold of Yeomston Vampire Haunt 10
The Tower of Woodwing Ruined Castle 12
The Fortress of Gaerfield Prison 13
The Woodcroft Burial Ground Cemetery 5
Ruins of Kingsly Grange Ruined Castle 12
Dunyn Laboratory Laboratory 8
Edworyan Laboratory Laboratory 12
Ruins of Old Chrystyrrya's Farm Vampire Haunt 12
The Copperston Vaults Cemetery 5
The Lair of Alabore Dragon's Den 11
THe [sic] Crypts of Moorhart Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Gaersly Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Agryn Laboratory Laboratory 8
Castle Wooding Vampire Haunt 13
Yeomwing Tower Giant Stronghold 10
The Coven of Elyzyn Coven 8
The Demuchothulla Cave Natural Cave 8
Ruins of The Ashsmith Farmstead Prison 10
The Stronghold of Greenhouse Dragon's Den 13
The Moorfield Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Kingford Giant Stronghold 8
Veraten Giant Stronghold 8
The Druloten Nest Spider Nest 11
The Mastersley Vaults Cemetery 5
The Hearthhart Graveyard Cemetery 5
The House of Stadingan Vampire Haunt 12
The Mastersmith Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Conclave of Evelyn Barbarian Stronghold 8
The Community of Vannausa Barbarian Stronghold 8
Ruins of Kingham Manor Dragon's Den 8
Grumethoth's Nest Spider Nest 8
Bedyctor's Gaol Prison 12
THe [sic] Crypts of Buckingsmith Cemetery 5
The Edwyval Reformatory Prison 13
The Citadel of Buckingsmith Laboratory 12
Copperton Tower Vampire Haunt 13
Ruins of Copperhart Orchard Crypt 10
Ruins of Gaersmith Orchard Vampire Haunt 14
The Jubanxia Cavern Natural Cave 10
Tricergon Giant Stronghold 13
The Moorwing Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Greensmith Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Yeomsmith Ruined Castle 10
The Gaerham Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Gwynorya Coven Coven 12
The Ashford Graveyard Cemetery 5
Ruins of Moorford Manor Prison 14
The Hole of Balul Natural Cave 12
The Hold of Mooring Ruined Castle 14
The Tower of Buckingston Prison 8
Castle Vladivon Vampire Haunt 12
Anrarugoth Giant Stronghold 12
Theodyval Laboratory Laboratory 10
The Circle of Gwynyssa Barbarian Stronghold 14
The Hold of Gaerham Vampire Haunt 8
The Barrow of Darkovus Crypt 13
Andynak Laboratory Laboratory 12
The Hold of Hawkcroft Vampire Haunt 8
Ruins of Wickston Manor Crypt 10
The Ashcroft Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Nest of Aneloth Spider Nest 8
The Masterham Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Castle of Wickham Ruined Castle 10
Ruins of Kinghouse Grange Giant Stronghold 8
The Sepulcher of Darkenezzar Crypt 12
Castle Hawkwing Dragon's Den 8
Castle Kingsley Vampire Haunt 13
The Wicksly Burial Ground Cemetery 5
Ashfield Tower Barbarian Stronghold 11
The Edwistair Asylum Prison 13
The Castle of Copperfield Ruined Castle 8
The Tombs of Woodsmith Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Crypts of Mastersmith Forgotten Cemetery 5
Mastersly Tower Coven 13
The Den of Mordistyr Dragon's Den 10
The Azargoth Web Spider Nest 8
The Nest of Vojgon Harpy Nest 8
The Hearthston Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Masterston Palace Dragon's Den 10
Tower Ashsly Giant Stronghold 8
The Cabal of Elorya Coven 10
Jubithiva's Den Dragon's Den 8
The Copperfield Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Moorhart Farmstead Natural Cave 14
Ruins of Castle Gaerton Crypt 8
The Belladausa Coven Coven 8
The Yeomston Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Tower of Mastering Giant Stronghold 8
The Barrow of Verenus Crypt 10
The Citadel of Wickhart Dragon's Den 10
The Kinghart Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Old Hawkston Shack Ruined Castle 12
Tower Buckinging Prison 8
Ruins of Gaersley's Hold Spider Nest 13
The Cavern of Maelula Natural Cave 12
Baalasunah Hollow Natural Cave 10
Castle Kinghouse Laboratory 8
Ruins of Ashwing Manor Vampire Haunt 13
Andane Laboratory Laboratory 12
Yeomcroft's Guard Vampire Haunt 8
The Den of Gondyctor Dragon's Den 8
The Haunt of Lithoghan Vampire Haunt 13
The Yeomston Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Penitentiary of Rodoryan Prison 11
Castle Kingwing Crypt 8
The Graves of Buckingston Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Ashhouse Farmstead Crypt 13
The Tombs of Buckinghart Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Crypts of Wickfield Cemetery 5
The Hearthhart Ruins Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of Masterton Grange Giant Stronghold 8
The Dungeon of Tristane Prison 8
The Tower of Buckinghart Giant Stronghold 13
Greenfield's Hold Ruined Castle 13
THe [sic] Crypts of Greenham Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Wickwing Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Greencroft Manor Dragon's Den 12
The Wickston Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hold of Buckingston Crypt 10
The Hold of Buckington Laboratory 10
The Haunt of Magnoghan Vampire Haunt 10
The Kingsley Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
Druigod Giant Stronghold 8
Ruins of Buckingston Grange Dragon's Den 13
The Yeomford Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Coppersmith Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Gaerford Tombs Cemetery 5
The Yeomhouse Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Baalithiah Hollow Natural Cave 8
The Tower of Kinging Ruined Castle 10
Tower Hearthhart Laboratory 12
The Graves of Copperfield Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Citadel of Hawking Coven 13
The Gathering of Evelyna Barbarian Stronghold 10
The Gaerhart Vaults Cemetery 5
The Vannausa Coven Coven 8
The Ashfield Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Cairn of Vladivarar Crypt 8
The Citadel of Gaersley Dragon's Den 10
The Web of Vermerog Spider Nest 12
The Groladon Web Spider Nest 12
Hearthsly's Guard Natural Cave 13
Gondistyr Laboratory Laboratory 8
The Copperfield Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Buckingwing Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Hearthham's Hold Ruined Castle 8
The Elyzyssa Council Barbarian Stronghold 12
The Vannona Coven Coven 10
The Homunuchexa Hole Natural Cave 8
Hawkton's Guard Prison 12
Masterham's Guard Ruined Castle 12
The Cabal of Morgyrrya Coven 10
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