Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to the quest giver of your Temple.
- Head to the dungeon named by the quest giver.
- Enter the dungeon and find the ingredient.
- Return to the quest giver within the time limit and collect your reward.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
The Transgressing TempleEdit
Speak to a quest giver, who says:
- "They tell me that you quite loyal to the temple. I need you perform a vital task for us. (Temple's god) has become angry with us. You need not concern yourself with why. Our only hope is to hold a rite of atonement. We need (ingredient) for the ceremony. My sources tell me that some can be found in (dungeon). Will you bring it to us?"
The quest giver goes on:
- "The ceremony must be held within (time limit) days. The temple will reward you with (random gold) gold for this. Only untainted (ingredient) will do. (Temple's god)'s blessing is upon you so that you will know it when you find it."
The quest giver answers:
- "Your loyalty to the temple is not what I thought it was, (player's name)."
Appeasing the DeityEdit
Once again, this quest is another standard dungeon crawl. Head to the dungeon mentioned by the quest giver and find the ingredient within. Pick it up and you will think to yourself:
- "This is it! I can feel the purity of the (ingredient). Now to get it back to (quest giver's name)."
Return to the Temple and deliver the ingredient to the quest giver for your reward.
When you return with the ingredient, the quest giver will say:
- "You have it? (Ingredient)! (Temple's god) will be pacified. You have done well. Here is your reward."
Reputation Gain/LossEdit
A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.
Faction/Person | Reputation Gain |
Deity of the Temple | +5 |
Temple and its associated factions | +2 |
A failed quest results in a reputation loss according to the table below.
Faction/Person | Reputation Gain |
Deity of the Temple | -2 |
Temple and its associated factions | -1 |
- Random dungeon monsters
- This quest is identical to The Expiatory Sacrifice; even the in-game text is identical. The only difference is that for this quest you must have at least 20 reputation with the Temple.
Additional DialogueEdit
After you have accepted this quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:
- "Things have been rather ... tense around (temple) lately."
- "There was supposedly an unauthorized orgy in (temple)."
- "Someone spoke (temple's god)'s name backwards in a ceremony at (temple)."
If you fail the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:
- "(Temple) is still out of favor with their god."
If you successfully complete the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:
- "(Temple) is back in favor with their god."
If you successfully complete the quest, the quest giver may later greet you with:
- "You have pacified (temple's god), (player's guild title). Of course, how can I help you?"
If you failed the quest, the quest giver will greet you with:
- "While (temple's god) hates (temple), I shall hate thee, (player's guild title)."
Quest LogEdit
The Rite of Atonement (c0b20y08) | ||
Stage/ Index |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
0 | (Date): (Quest giver's name) of (temple), in (town), told me that (his/her) god was angered. (He/She) needs untainted (ingredient) from (dungeon) for a rite of atonement. It must be in (quest giver's name)'s hands at (temple) within (time limit) days. |