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General:A Look Back on 2015

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Originally published December 22, 2015. The original article can be found here.

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As we approach the end of 2015, join us to reflect on everything we've accomplished in The Elder Scrolls Online this year.

Another year has flown by, and it's been an exciting and busy year for us at ZOS! We'd like to take a moment to remember some of our biggest and most exciting accomplishments over the past year:

  • Criminal behavior was introduced to Tamriel when we released the Justice System in March.
  • Also in March, we published the Champion System to enhance your character development.
  • As if March wasn't busy enough, we also launched The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited, and allowed you to play ESO with no monthly subscription required. With this update, we launched our in-game Crown Store where you could purchase a variety of cosmetic and convenience items.
  • In June, we welcomed Xbox One and PlayStation®4 players to Tamriel when we launched ESO on consoles. It was so exciting to see so many of you logging in at once during launch week!
  • Once the dust settled from console launch, we opened the Imperial City for battle in September.
  • We wrapped up the year by inviting you to rebuild the city of Orsinium in November.

Of course, there were many other improvements and additions to the game including dungeon scaling for existing dungeons, the single-player progressive challenge Maelstrom Arena, two new dungeons, subtitles, controller support for PC, and so much more. We've been able to fit a lot of improvements into the game by providing updates almost every other week! How else could we add over 100 new items to the Crown Store, or over 33,000 new lines of VO?

The game isn't the only place that's been busy. We've seen over a million comments posted on our official forums over the past year alone! That's a lot of feedback and suggestions, and we appreciate all of it. And speaking of big numbers, we also began our #MillionReasonsToPlay initiative in October. We began by sharing some of our favorite reasons that we love Tamriel and – even better – you shared yours with us! And that's not all: We also have a massive million-dollar sweepstakes for players. There's still time to enter for a chance to win... but you'll have to hurry! (Find out more here).

As always, we stand committed to delivering new DLC for you to enjoy each quarter. With the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood on their way in the first half of next year, you have a lot to look forward to. We can't wait for you to play our new content, and we'll begin talking about the Thieves Guild in more detail when we return in January.

We'll be taking a short break to relax and share a sweetroll or three with our families, but we'll be back on January 4 th to kick off the New Year. From all of us at ZOS: have a very Happy Holiday, and join us in raising a glass of mead to a successful year! We couldn't have done it without you, and are so thankful for each and every one of our players. Whether you're new to ESO, returning after a short break, or have been with us from the beginning, you are what allows our wonderful community and ESO to be what it is!

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