Originally published March 4 2015. The original article can be found here.
The day has arrived—Update 6 is available on the live servers! With several new systems, tons of gameplay changes, and new features and bug fixes, there's a lot to see in this one. Take a look at our video overview of the update and then read on for more of the details:
(A video is embedded in the article. The video can be found here.)
Two major new systems have been implemented in this update: The Justice System and The Champion System. With Justice, crime has come to the once-friendly streets of Tamriel's cities. You can now become a wanted criminal, sneaking, stealing, and even murdering your way through the world. But be careful—the guards can and will seek to punish you if your crimes are witnessed. For a closer look at the system, check out our recent introductory guide.
The Champion System gives players with Veteran characters a new way to gain power. Once you have a Veteran Rank character on your account, you'll start earning Champion Points, which you can invest in a variety of new passive abilities. If you already had a Veteran Rank character, you probably already have some Champion Points to spend, so check out our guide for this system to get a feel for it, too.
That's not all Update 6 has to offer! We've completely overhauled provisioning. You'll notice new recipes and much more inventory space as a result of our updating and streamlining. There's also a new way to keep track of your mounts, pets, and costumes: the Collections Window. Now there's no need to carry your vanity pets and costumes around, because you can access everything you've earned through the new UI at any time.
You'll see all this in addition to major gameplay changes that affect combat and class abilities and lots of bug fixes and other improvements. For all the details, read the full patch notes.
We can't wait to see what you think about all the changes. To celebrate this release, we've created some wallpapers you can use to prepare your desktop for all the new adventure: