Half-Giants are the descendants of Men and Giants or Sea Giants.[1] They take on the qualities of their mixed heritage, which can be passed down to their descendants.[UOL 1] Half-Giants tend to be much taller then the other races, but not nearly as tall as their Giant forebears, with some exceptions.[1]
Sinmur, also known as Sinmur the Terrible and the Giant of Legend, was a Merethic Era Half-Giant chieftain from Skyrim.[2] Leading hundreds of his kin, he is perhaps best remembered for his epic conflict against Ysgramor and the Five Hundred Companions.[3][4]
Circa 2E 582, Half-Giant and Sea Giant raiders led by Vampire Lord Falgravn stormed the shores of Kyne's Aegis, but were defeated by a group of Undaunted.[5]
- Individuals with Giant ancestry such as Lyris Titanborn are also colloquially known as Half-Giants.[6]
- Braegha-Fin in Rivenspire was originally planned to have the spirits of a race of giants called "hill giants". Rivenspire would have had Bretons with hill giant heritage called hillmen that were bigger in larger, similar to the Half Giant race. These hillmen would have also had some Nordic heritage.
- ^ a b Appearance of Half-Giants in ESO
- ^ Skald Svari's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Songs of the Return, Volume 27
- ^ Unearthed quest in ESO
- ^ The Fight for Kyne's Aegis quest in ESO: Greymoor
- ^ Meet the Character - Sai Sahan — Abnur Tharn
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.