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Lore:House Moorcroft

< Lore: Factions: H
A House Moorcroft sarcophagus depicting a Knight of the Circle
Master-Builder Tobin Moorcroft

House Moorcroft[1] is a noble family of Bretons active since at least the late First Era. One of the family's most well-known members was Tobin Moorcroft, the master builder of the All Flags Navy, who built not only the monument on the All Flags Islet but the Colossus of Gonfalon Bay, a massive statue dedicated to the navy's founder, Bendu Olo.[2]


The brothers, Renwic and Tobin Moorcroft were enlisted into the All Flags Navy, one of the world's largest naval fleets. The older brother, Renwic sailed on the Pristine Halberd as part of the Breton fleet while the younger brother, Tobin served as the master builder. During their stay on All Flags Islet, the brothers feuded with each other and fancied Janne Emarie, who was present at the inn. The All Flags Navy returned to the Systres after their final siege on Thras in 1E 2260 but it was confirmed later that Renwic and the Pristine Halberd perished at sea. Shortly thereafter, Tobin presented plans to build the Colossus to Bendu Olo. It was rejected in favor of the monument on All Flags Islet, which Tobin spearheaded its construction.[2] When it came time to carve the names of the fallen into the memorial, Tobin purposely omitted his brother's name.[3] Before it was finished in 1E 2264, Tobin's plans were accepted and construction of the Colossus began on the jutting rock across Gonfalon Bay.[2]

The statue was completed several years later and Bendu Olo came back to the Systres in 1E 2290 to accept the honor.[2] Tobin eventually passed away and was buried in All Flags Islet with the very tools he used to build.[4] An excavated sarcophagus embedded with House Moorcroft heraldry was theorized to have originated from the late First Era, after the Alessian Empire was driven out of High Rock. The Antiquarian Circle suggested that the knight formerly entombed in the sarcophagus died during the Gavaudon Troubles, just before the flight of Wayrest.[1]

In 2E 582, the fate of House Moorcroft is unknown. Sosil Moorcroft, a citizen in the Kingdom of Rivenspire found shelter in House Tamrith's camp southeast of Crestshade, during House Montclair's war in the kingdom.[5] Erisa Moorcroft, a scholar in Comparative Religious Studies wrote the book On Orcs and the Afterlife around the tail-end of King Kurog's reign over the second Orsinium. She describes her journey across different strongholds and her quest to understand the Orcs' idea of the afterlife. She also met High Priestess Solgra, a staunch follower of Trinimac, who regaled her patron's oral traditions. Erisa noted its similarities with the beliefs of Malacath's faithful but also made note of their tonal differences.[6] Maelle Moorcroft was a Tales of Tribute player and traveled to several Roister's Club chapters across Tamriel.[7]

By the late Third Era, Moorcroft was a common surname across Bretons in High Rock.[8] Many ruins across the Iliac Bay bear the Moorcroft name and some of these include the Moorcroft Graveyard in Phrygias, the Moorcroft Burial Grounds in Bhoriane, and the Ruins of Moorcroft Manor in Alcaire.[9]



  1. ^ a b Noble Knight's Rest antiquity codex entries in ESO: Greymoor
  2. ^ a b c d The Colossus of Gonfalon BayMiramel Charascel, Chairperson of the Gonfalon Bay Historical and Social Society
  3. ^ Janne Emarie's dialogue in ESO: High Isle
  4. ^ Stibbons' dialogue in ESO: High Isle
  5. ^ Sosil Moorcroft in ESO
  6. ^ On Orcs and the AfterlifeErisa Moorcroft, Scholar, Comparative Religious Studies
  7. ^ Maelle Moorcroft in ESO: High Isle
  8. ^ Breton Names in Arena and Daggerfall
  9. ^ Phrygias, Bhoriane, and Alcaire dungeons in Daggerfall