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< Lore: Gods: Q
Trinimac the Golden Champion, the enemy of Quarvish
Uugus, the author of the text mentioning Quarvish

Quarvish is an obscure entity present in the faith of the Orc branch of the Cult of Trinimac. In one of the texts, authored by Venerable Uugus, a member of the cult active in the Second Era, Quarvish is described as man-demon. Trinimac, the Golden Champion rode the great eagle Zylvara to his reckoning with Quarvish.[1]


  • Although both Quarvish and Lorkhan fought against Trinimac and were associated with mannish cultures, Lorkhan and Quarvish are believed to be separate entities as Uugus' text makes a distinction between the two, and associates them with different events.[1]

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