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Merchandise:Loot Crate/Emperor

< Merchandise: Loot Crate
You've been crowned the EMPEROR of Tamriel! Sit upon the Ruby Throne and unbox exclusive collectibles and gear in this The Elder Scrolls® Crate!

The theme for Summer of 2021 is Emperor.

Name Description Image
Dragonguard Shield Replica A statue of The Elder Scrolls Online's Dragonguard Style Shield.
MER-Loot Crate Dragonguard Shield Replica.png
Amulet of Kings Valet Tray A red valet tray with the Amulet of Kings printed in the center. Its corners can be folded up to form the tray.
MER-office-Loot Crate Amulet of Kings Valet Tray.png
Imperial Legion Patch A patch featuring the crest of the Empire of the third and fourth eras in red and gold.
MER-accessories-Loot Crate Imperial Legion Patch.png
Dragonguard T-Shirt A black t-shirt with the logo for the Dragonguard on the front in gold and blue.
MER-clothing-Loot Crate Dragonguard T-Shirt.png
Imperial Legion Cinch Bag A black cinch bag with a red Imperial symbol printed on the front.
MER-bag-Loot Crate Imperial Legion Cinch Bag.png
Tiber Septim T-Shirt A light green shirt with artwork by Drew Wise.
MER-clothing-Loot Crate Tiber Septim T-Shirt.png
White-Gold Tower Pin A red and white collectible pin of the White-Gold Tower.
MER-misc-Loot Crate White-Gold Tower Pin.png