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Morrowind:Bivale Teneran

< Morrowind: People / Merchants
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Quests: not written

Services: not written

Personal Inventory: written by Forfeit

House Contents: not written

Unique Dialogue: written by Aegithalos (QRE section; Dialogue section (which still appears to be incomplete and which I may contribute to later) was already written)

Spells: written by Forfeit
Bivale Teneran (bivale teneran)
Home City Ald'ruhn
Store Bivale Teneran: Clothier
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 12 Class Clothier
Gold 300 Mercantile Expert (52)
Other Information
Health 94 Magicka 136
Alarm 30 Fight 30
Bivale Teneran

Bivale Teneran is a Dark Elf clothier who has a shop in the Ald'ruhn Manor District. She is also a spy for House Hlaalu, keeping an eye on the affairs of House Redoran. She is one of several merchants in the city who has a problem with Ienas Sarandas' outstanding debts. She is also expecting a delivery of shirts.

Bivale wears an expensive robe, belt, gloves, shoes, amulet, and ring. She carries her key, which opens a locked chest (80) and closet (90) in her shop. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

Related QuestsEdit

House HlaaluEdit



  • Bivale Teneran: "I am Bivale Teneran. How may I help you?"
  • my trade: "I am a clothier. I make clothes and sell them. Of course. I make clothes with style and distinction. My clients are either discerning nobles or merchants or commoners with exceptional taste... and financial resources."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Ienas SarandasEdit

Bivale will mention an opportunity for a little work:

  • (First time speaking to you)"Good day, %PCName. I am Bivale Teneran. I flatter myself that I am the finest clothier in these parts. Shall I tell you about my trade? Or would you be interested in a little work?"
  • [If Disposition < 30.] "Good day, %PCName. Shall I tell you about my trade? Or would you be interested in a little work?"
  • work
    • "I made a brocade shirt and silk pants for Ienas Sarandas. He gave me half-payment on account, and said he'd pay me the rest later, but it's been weeks, and I have my own bills to pay. Find Ienas Sarandus [sic], get the overdue payment of 360 drakes he owes me, or get the shirt and pants and bring them back to me, and I'll give you 50 drakes for your services."

Return with the brocade shirt and silk pants, and she will have different responses depending on how you handled the situation:

  • work
    • If you acquired the shirt and pants peacefully, she will politely hand you your payment:
      • [Disposition +20; Brocade Shirt has been removed from your inventory; Silk Pants has been removed from your inventory; 50 Gold has been added to your inventory] "I see you have the brocade shirt and silk pants from Ienas Sarandas. Here are the 50 drakes for your services. Thank you very much."
    • If you acquired the shirt and pants through persuasion, she will be duly impressed by your work:
      • [Disposition +40; Brocade Shirt has been removed from your inventory; Silk Pants has been removed from your inventory; 50 Gold has been added to your inventory] "I see you have the brocade shirt and silk pants from Ienas Sarandas. Here are the 50 drakes for your services. And thank you very much for handling this situation so well. I really appreciate it." (Disposition up by 40)
    • Conversely, if you acquired the shirt and pants by killing Sarandas, she will be less than impressed:
      • [Disposition -20; Brocade Shirt has been removed from your inventory; Silk Pants has been removed from your inventory; 50 Gold has been added to your inventory] "I see you have the brocade shirt and silk pants from Ienas Sarandas. And I hear Ienas Sarandas was found dead in his home. I don't suppose YOU had anything to do with that? Here's the 50 drakes I promised you. And I'll take the goods. But don't expect me to thank you for them. No debt is worth a man's life. Of course, there were no witnesses. But everyone knows you killed that poor fool. Don't think anyone here will forgive you for that."

If you mention the topic again:

  • work
    • [If you acquired the shirt and pants peacefully]"Thank you again."
    • [If you acquired the shirt and pants through persuasion]"Thank you again. You handled the affair very well."
    • [If you acquired the shirt and pants by killing Sarandas]"You've been paid."

The Shirt of His BackEdit

Bivale will happily accept the shirts that Rasha has given to you and will give you an enchanted belt as payment for your delivery service:

  • Rasha's shirts
    • [5 Exquisite Shirt has been removed from your inventory, Belt of Iron Will has been added to your inventory.] "Ah... you've brought the shirts from Rasha. Wonderful! He does such fine work, and he sells them to me for very reasonable prices. He's the careful sort, but that's just smart business if you ask me. Thank you for your help, and here's your payment."

Mentioning the topic of Rasha's shirts again will prompt her to compliment the Argonian's work:

  • Rasha's shirts
    • "Thank you again. Rasha does do good work, does he not?"

Delivery for Bivale TeneranEdit

Speaking to her, she will immediately assume you are the delivery person.

"Did Nileno Dorvayn send you? Is that scroll for me?"

  • scroll
    • "Well, are you going to give me the scroll or not?"
      • Give her the scroll.
        • "Yes, as expected. Tell Nileno Dorvayn that I received the scroll and understood the message. Why not take this outfit? A present for my efficient courier."
      • Keep the scroll.
        • "I'm sorry. I must have mistaken you for someone else. What are you hear [sic] for? A new shirt? How about this one?"

Speaking to her again:

  • scroll
    • "You gave me the scroll already, %PCName."
