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Morrowind:Dravasa Andrethi's

< Morrowind: People(Redirected from Morrowind:Dravasa Andrethi)
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Quests: not written

Services: written by Forfeit (offers none), checked by WoahBro

Personal Inventory: written by Forfeit, checked by WoahBro

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Spells: written by Forfeit, checked by WoahBro
Dravasa Andrethi's (Dravasa Andrethi)
Home City Ald'ruhn
House Dravasa Andrethi's House
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 5 Class Pauper
Other Information
Health 60 Magicka 86
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Dravasa Andrethi's

Dravasa Andrethi's is a Dark Elf pauper who can be found in his house by the temple in Ald'ruhn. There is a copy of A Dance in Fire, Chapter 7 in his house. He is one of the sleepers, and can be saved by killing Hanarai Assutlanipal in her house in Ald'ruhn. If you ask him about the "Sixth House" afterwards, you will earn a point of Reputation.

Dravasa wears a common shirt with matching pants and shoes. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related QuestsEdit


  • Dravasa Andrethi's belongs to the Andrethi family, which has their own ancestral tomb.
  • The apostrophe-'s' at the end of his name actually appears in-game for some reason. A minor mix-up by the developers.