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Quests: written by Jeancey (none), checked by Imperialbattlespire
Services: written by Already Written, checked by Imperialbattlespire Personal Inventory: written by Imperialbattlespire House Contents: not written Unique Dialogue: written by Lich King Arthas Menethil, checked by Imperialbattlespire |
Garothmuk gro-Muzgub (garothmuk gro-muzgub) | |||||
Home Town | Suran | ||||
Store | Garothmuk gro-Muzgub: Smith | ||||
Race | Orc | Gender | Male | ||
Level | 13 | Class | Smith | ||
Services | |||||
Other | ![]() |
Merchant | |||||
Gold | 900 | Mercantile | Apprentice (21) | ||
Buys |
Other Information | |||||
Health | 155 | Magicka | 80 | ||
Alarm | 100 | Fight | 30 |
Garothmuk gro-Muzgub is an Orc smith who has a shop in Suran. He is very knowledgeable about armor and weapon types, and has a decent selection of them available for sale, as well as offering repair services.
He wears common pants, common shoes and a common shirt. Like all Orcs, he has a natural resistance to magicka, and can boost his health, fatigue and attack for short periods, at the cost of agility; otherwise, he knows no spells.
- My Trade
- "I am a smith. I make, sell, and repair weapons and armor. I can tell you about the basic armor styles and weapon types. I can also tell you how to take care of worn weapons and worn armor, and sell you the armorer tools you need. I also repair weapons and armor, for a fee."
- armor styles
- "The heavy armor styles, called 'Legion' or 'knight' style in the West and 'ebony' style in the East, require great strength and endurance. The light armor styles, called 'militia' in the West and 'Ashlander' in the East, favor speed and agility. The medium armor styles, called 'Imperial guard' in the West and 'Great House' in the East, are compromises between the heavy and light styles, balancing protection against mobility. A few less common exotic armor types are also found in Morrowind."
- heavy armor styles
- "In the West, cheap iron, steel, and silver heavy armor is made in quantity for the Legions, and many are trained in its use. In the East, the expense of the superb ebony and daedric heavy armors limits their use to aristocratic families. Suits of ebony and daedric armor are passed down from generation to generation, and represent a sizable portion of a Great House nobles' personal wealth."
- iron
- "For centuries, cheap and serviceable iron and iron-reinforced weapons have been produced in quantity for the Legions. These and similarly made iron weapons are in use throughout the Empire."
- steel
- "Imperial steel weapons are standard issue for the elite units of the Legions. Nobles, merchant-traders, and professional mercenaries prefer the higher quality materials and craftsmanship of Imperial steel. Various other weapons of exotic design (in particular, the tantos and katanas made in the Akaviri style) are also made of high-quality steel."
- silver
- "High-quality steel is plated or filigreed with silver because of the arcane effects of the precious metal on the flesh of magical and supernatural creatures. Well-heeded aristocrats and bravos also sport such weapons for their distinctive elegance."
- ebony
- "Ebony weapons are made from a rare form of volcanic glass found almost exclusively in the buried deposits and surface lava flows of Vvardenfell's Red Mountain. 'Ebony' refers to the lustrous, black, glassy surface of ebony weapons."
- daedric
- "Daedric weapons are made from raw ebony which has been refined using the craft and magical substances of the lesser minions of Oblivion. The process is not a pleasant one for the Daedra involved, and the weapons retain echoes of preternaturally prolonged suffering endured during manufacture. Daedric weapons are the most rare and expensive weapons known in Tamriel."
- light armor styles
- "Both the Western 'militia' and eastern 'Ashlander' armor styles depends on light, cheap leather armors. The Eastern reinforced chitin armor, however, is distinctly superior to Western-style leather armors, and offers better protection, pound for pound and drake for drake, than any other armor. The 'glass' light armors of the noble Great Houses are in the high Altmer style, strikingly light and stylish, and comparable with the ebony and daedric in protection, but are expensive and in short supply."
- chitin
- "Chitin weapons of native Dunmer manufacture are created from the sturdy but light exoskeletons of local creatures. Layers of chitin are typically laminated using vegetable, shalk, and bug resin glues to form strong but flexible weapons. The serrated edges of the original materials are exploited to create especially wicked daggers and slashing weapons."
- glass
- "These light and elegant weapons of High Elven design feature extravagant use of rare metals and cutting edges made from rare crystalline materials. Duelists and assassins appreciate the delicate balance and sinister sharpness of glass weapons."
- medium armor styles
- "The chain and scale medium armors of the Western 'Imperial guard' style offer less protection than the heavy iron and steel plate armors of the Legions, but with a considerable advantage in mobility. The Dunmer bonemold medium armor is generally lighter and more durable than its Western equivalent. The most prized of medium armors, Orcish, is limited in availability and very expensive, but markedly superior, and is the medium armor of choice for nobles and mercenaries in both the West and East."
- exotic armor types
- "Fur armor is a light armor style popular among Nord barbarians. Dreugh is a remarkably strong Dunmer medium armor, made from Dreugh hide. But the most famous exotic armor is Dwemer, or Dwarvish armor, a highly ornate heavy armor valued as much for its rarity and antique craftsmanship as for its distinctive impact-absorbing qualities in combat."
- weapon types
- "Short blades include the dagger, tanto, shortsword, and wakizashi. Long blades include the broadsword, saber, longsword, katana, claymore, and dai-katana. Blunt weapons include the club, staff, mace, morningstar, and warhammer. Axes include the war axe and battle axe. Spears include spears and halberds. Marksman weapons include short bow, long bow, crossbow, throwing star, and throwing knife. Bows shoot arrows; crossbows shoot bolts. Use of each weapon type relies on a different skill."
- short blades
- "The dagger and short sword are Western Imperial weapons. The tanto and wakizashi are styled after Akaviri blades. These weapons are light and fast, most effective against lightly armored opponents, but a skilled user can outlast more heavily armed and armored opponents. The dagger, tanto, and short sword are thrusting weapons, the wakizashi a chopping and slashing weapon. Rank them by effectiveness as dagger, tanto, short sword, and wakizashi, with dagger least effective."
- dagger
- "Every culture produces some variant on the short multi-purpose weapon called the dagger. Dagger weapons differ dramatically in quality and effectiveness; they are further differentiated by a wide variety of enchantments commonly placed on these easily concealed weapons. Daedric and glass daggers are shockingly efficient weapons, despite their small size and low mass."
- tanto
- "The tanto is a stylish dagger variant of Akaviri design. For obscure reasons, the Telvanni prefer them to standard daggers as a matrix for their enchantments, and Telvanni mercenaries are often equipped with enchanted tantos by their mage-lord patrons."
- shortsword
- "Cheap iron and steel shortswords are standard issue for Legion troopers. The Imperial shortsword is a superior Legion guardsman's weapon. Retired Legion smiths settling in Morrowind have popularized Imperial shortswords with the growing Dunmer merchant class and with Hlaalu nobles and their retainers."
- wakizashi
- "Like other exotic blades of Akaviri design, the wakizashi is an elegant and refined single-edged version of the more common double-edged longswords of Western design. Because the weapons themselves are rare, and few smiths know how to make them, they are not common in Morrowind."
- long blades
- "The broadsword, saber, longsword, and claymore are Western weapons. The katana and dai-katana are Akaviri-style blades. Long blades, one-handed or two-handed, and the most common weapons here. The claymore and dai-katana are two-handed weapons, and relatively heavy and slow; the rest are one-handed. Rank them by effectiveness as broadsword, saber, longsword, katana, claymore, and dai-katana, with broadsword least effective."
- broadsword
- "Long popular in the West, the mass-produced, one-handed, double-edged heavy broadsword commonly used by the Legions is descended from the original elaborate, decorated Breton broadsword designs. The Nordic broadsword developed independently, and is a more plain, practical weapon. All broadswords are commonly used with sword-and-shield techniques, the Bretons favoring the heavy tower shield, while the legions prefer a smaller standard-sized shield."
- nordic
- "These massive steel weapons are forged according to the secret metalcrafts of the Nord smiths, and engraved with runes in the manner of the legendary witch-warriors of Skyrim."
- saber
- "The sabre is the weapon of Imperial light cavalry. Since horses cannot adapt to Vvardenfell's harsh climate, sabers are uncommon, except among Legion veterans."
- longsword
- "The longsword is the standard officer's weapon in the Legions, and a noble's weapon in the West. In Morrowind, glass, ebony, and Daedric longswords are precious heirlooms passed down through generations of noble warriors in a Great House."
- katana
- "Elegant and efficient, the Akaviri katana is too expensive and sophisticated a weapon to be popular with the Legions or hero-adventurers, but well-heeled nobles, collectors, and swordmasters prize the blade for its superior balance and effectiveness."
- claymore
- "Highland Bretons were the first to use the very heavy two-handed sword called the claymore, but powerful Redguards were quick to adopt these massive shock weapons to their heroic melee styles. Not suitable for use by close order troops, the claymore is favored by the solitary hero-adventurer, particularly against great beasts and otherworldly creatures."
- dai-katana
- "These exotic two-handed, single-edged long blades of Akaviri design are neither common nor popular for military or private use. They are superb examples of weaponcraft, but expensive and subtle in technique."
- blunt weapons
- "Clubs and staves are cheap, easy-to-master, all-purpose weapons for travelers and militias. The mace and morningstar are one-handed, the warhammer is two-handed, slow, and heavy; all three are proper weapons for professional warriors. Rank them by effectiveness as club, staff, mace, morningstar, and warhammer, with club least effective."
- club
- "The club is usually a crude, improvised one-handed blunt weapon common among less technologically sophisticated cultures like the Argonians, but it also a cheap and effective militia weapon used with a light shield in Cyrodiil and the Western provinces."
- staff
- "The staff is the standard informal weapon of the traveler, doubling as walking stick and utility tools. Battlemages, spellsword, nightblades, and other magical support troops in the Legions also train with the staff, among other blunt weapons."
- mace
- "The mace is a favored weapon of the Western knight, combined with a standard shield. Dwemer and Daedric maces, superb weapons, but expensive and rare, are prized heirlooms of the Dunmer Great House nobility."
- warhammer
- "Heavy two-handed hammers were developed in the West to counter the defensive protection of the heavily armored Western knight. The iron warhammer has a single head with a balancing spike to penetrate plate armor. The steel warhammer, on the other hand, has two heavy heads, and is designed to batter or knock down an armored opponent."
- axes
- "Only two types of axe are common here -- the one-handed war axe and the two-handed battle axe. Use the war axe with a shield or use the two-handed battle axe for maximum effect."
- war axe
- "A bewildering variety of one-hand axe styles are found in Morrowind. The spiked chitin war axe favored by Ashlander and Great House Dunmer is in some ways more like a mace than an axe. The steel war axe is double-bladed; the iron war axe is single-bladed; the glass, ebony, and daedric war axes are single-bladed with balancing spikes."
- battle axe
- "The term 'battle axe' includes all very heavy axes used two-handed. Most battle axes are double-bladed, but the Nordic battle axe has a single blade. The great mass and efficiency of the battle axe enables a strong warrior to penetrate heavy armor, but the battle axe is also a powerful shock weapon against massed, lightly armored opponents."
- spears
- "Two styles of spear are popular here, both used two-handed for thrusting attacks: the spear and the halberd, with the halberd the most effective. Spear weapons have the longest reach of any weapon -- except, of course, marksman weapons."
- spear
- "The spear is a common weapon for light irregular troops and militias, but has been developed as a martial art form by the Bosmer. In Morrowind, the Ashlanders favor a wicked and elegant version of the spear, with a spike at the foot of the shaft."
- halberds
- "The long reach and high efficiency of this two-handed long-shafted axe-like weapon makes it well-suited for combat with encumbered, heavily armored opponents. Using this weapon in massed formations requires a high degree of skill and training, and it's [sic] bulk makes it difficult to use in close quarters, so the weapon is, with significant exceptions, neither common nor popular for use by mercenaries or adventurers."
- marksman weapons
- "Short bows and long bows use arrows. Crossbows use bolts. Bow and crossbows are more cumbersome, two-handed weapons, but more effective. Throwing stars and throwing knives are fast, light, one-handed attacks, but less damaging than bows and crossbows."
- short bow
- "In the West, the wooden short bow is the standard weapon of Legionary missile troops and scouts. In Morrowind, however, wood is in very short supply, and the chitin bow favored by the Ashlanders is laminated bone-shell-and resin."
- long bow
- "A powerful but demanding weapon, the long bow is historically associated with Altmer aristocrats and Bosmer hunters. The less-powerful bonemold long bow of Morrowind is traditionally a noble's hunting weapon, but has been adopted for wider use by many outlander sportsmen and mercenaries."
- crossbow
- "The Dwemer crossbow is an ingenious device that permits someone with only modest training and skill to fire a missile bolt massive enough to penetrate heavy armor. The Imperial Legion's mass-produced version is somewhat less effective, and most Imperial missile troops and hunters use the more popular short and long bows."
- throwing star
- "The throwing star is an exotic weapon associated with the martial arts traditions of Akavir."
- martial arts
- "The unarmed, unarmored martial arts traditions of the Marshmerrow, Salt Rice, and Golden Reed societies of the Dissident Priest, patterned on the 'Rain-of-Sand' fighting styles of Elsweyr, are slow to be adopted in the Empire, associated as they are with the ascetic renunciation of worldly wealth and material goods, and the rigid disciplines and mystical philosophies so alien to the Imperial West."
- unarmored
- "Monks dedicated to the ascetic philosophies of Elsweyr have long cultivated the unarmored martial arts traditions called the 'Rain-of-Sand' fighting styles. The Mages Guild and other societies have had some success adapting these styles for self-defense training of wizards and other armor-averse vocations. Students of the unarmored styles wear little or no armor, and count on evasion and deflection to avoid injury."
- throwing knife
- "Small thrown weapons are a Khajiit specialty. Throwing knives are useful in cultures like the Khajiit whose warrior classes disdain heavy weapons and heavy armors, relying on stealth and maneuver for success in personal and clan combats. Throwing knives are also popular in criminal subcultures."
- worn weapons
- "Weapons become less effective with wear. Eventually they break, and are useless until you repair them, but a worn weapon does only a fraction of the damage it should do. You'll hack and stab and slash away, and suddenly realize you're doing almost nothing to your enemy. So learn the basics of weapon repair, and touch up your weapons before every big fight, or pay a smith to keep your weapons in top shape."
- worn armor
- "As it wears out, armor becomes less effective. Broken armor is completely useless until you repair it, but worn armor stops only a fraction of the damage that new or well-maintained armor does. Learn the basics of armor repair, and go over your armor, piece by piece, before every big battle. Or visit a smith regularly to keep your armor in good shape."
- Much of the dialogue on equipment is derived from the Codex.
- Some entries vary, an example being Garothmuk's claim that Glass is of High Elven make. While the craft itself originates from the Altmer, the Codex makes it clearer that Morrowind's Glass style specifically is simply inspired by them.
- There is some Orcish armor behind the counter, his private collection. A skill book for Light Armor, Ice and Chiton, is on a table upstairs.
- Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
- Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item | Qty |
Armor (cont.) | |
Netch Leather Boots | 1 |
Netch Leather Greaves | 1 |
Nordic Fur Greaves | 1 |
Nordic Fur Helm | 1 |
Steel Boots | 1 |
Steel Greaves | 1 |
Steel Right Pauldron | 1 |
Weapons | |
Chitin Throwing Star | 4,-40 |
Imperial Broadsword | 1 |
Iron Battle Axe | 1 |
Iron Saber | 1 |
Iron Tanto | 1 |
Item | Qty |
Weapons (cont.) | |
Iron Throwing Knife | 1 |
Nordic Claymore | 1 |
Silver Dagger | 1 |
Silver Spear | 1 |
Steel Club | 1 |
Steel Halberd | 1 |
l_n_wpn_melee | -4 |
random_de_weapon | 8 |
Repair Items | |
Apprentice's Armorer's Hammer | 1 |
Journeyman's Armorer's Hammer | 1,-10 |
Master's Armorer's Hammer | 6 |
l_n_repair item | -6 |