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< Morrowind: People
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Quests: not written

Services: written by Jeancey (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Jeancey

House Contents: not written

Unique Dialogue: not written

Spells: written by Jeancey
Kiseena (kiseena)
Home Town Caldera
Location Caldera Mine, Slave Shack One
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Level 3 Class Slave
Other Information
Health 53 Magicka 84
Alarm 0 Fight 30

Kiseena is a Khajiit slave working in the Caldera Mine. She can be found in slave shack one. She is wearing a common shirt, pants, belt and the standard slave bracer. Like all Khajiit, she can see well in the dark and can demoralize others for short periods, but otherwise knows no spells.

During a recent attempt at revolt by the slaves in the mine, Kiseena received burn wounds when one of the mages guarding the mine was trying to subdue her and accidentally triggered an explosion from flammable gases in the mine with a fire spell. The mine boss Stlennius Vibato thinks the fur on her burned skin may never grow back.

If you have the Caldera Slave Key, you can free her and the other slaves at the mine. This will help you earn the respect of the Twin Lamps.


  • On a note in the mine bunkhouse, her name is spelled "Keseena".