This page is a listing of all Miscellaneous type objects, with the exception of some items, which are listed on the following pages:
Icon | Name | ID | Notes | Image | ||
Dwemer Coin | misc_dwrv_coin00 | 0.05 | 50 | The currency of the long-vanished Dwemer race. | ||
Dwemer Coin | misc_dwrv_cursed_coin00 | 0.05 | 125 | Like the above - but these will summon a hostile Dwarven Spectre behind you when you pick them up. Note the values - this is how you can tell the difference. | ||
Gold | Gold_001 Gold_005 Gold_010 Gold_025 Gold_100 |
0.0 | 1 5 10 25 100 |
The currency used throughout Tamriel. The values greater than 1 are used only for stacks of gold found sitting on tables and such. It should be noted that very little of the gold in Morrowind is "owned", although the majority of the owned gold is at the Dren Plantation for unknown reasons. | ||
Gold | Gold_Dae_cursed_001 Gold_Dae_cursed_005 |
0.0 | 1 5 |
These are stacks of cursed gold which will summon a Dremora Lord behind you when you pick them up. These cannot be found in the game, possibly because they would not stack with normal gold, and thus they would not be treated as currency by vendors. |
Quest-Related ItemsEdit
Icon | Name | ID | Notes | Image | ||
Extra-Comfy Pillow | misc_uni_pillow_unique | 1.0 | 1 | Your "reward" for completing the obscure Thelas' Pillows quest. All it does is give you a message whenever you rest, saying "Your sleep is very restful on your Extra-Comfy Pillow". | ||
Old Man's Lucky Coin | lucky_coin | 0.0 | 0 | A present from Wulf, the physical embodiment of Talos. Grants the greater power "Luck of the Emperor", which fortifies your luck 20 points for 2 minutes. The power is granted to you when Wulf gives it to you; the coin itself does not grant any powers and you don't need to carry it with you.
Should you decide to build a blacksmith for the Raven Rock colony in the Bloodmoon expansion, another Old Man's Lucky Coin can be found on the shop's shelves. |
Vivec Ashmask | misc_vivec_ashmask_01_fake misc_vivec_ashmask_01 |
3.0 | 500 50,000 |
A powerful relic found in Gnisis Temple. The one on display is a fake. The real one is hidden inside the Shrine of the Mask (the Grace of Justice pillar in the center of the room), which has a secret panel that opens if you offer a Potion of Cure Common Disease. Touching the real one will Cure Blight and Common Disease on you. It will also give you the Vivec's Touch spell for free, which will cure the same range of diseases on touch for a very low casting cost of 10 Magicka (primarily of use in curing the Kwama Queens of blighted egg mines in multiple quests, and for getting Cure Blight Disease on Self from a Spellmaker). Though safe to touch, despite the presence of the Ordinator, neither the fake nor real Vivec Ashmask can be picked up or taken, so the value assigned to them is meaningless. |
Dwemer ArtifactsEdit
Icon | Name | ID | Weight | Value | Notes | Image |
Anumidium Plans | misc_dwrv_artifact30 | 0.01 | 200 | Only one exists, found on display in Tel Vos, Central Tower. Was required for an Imperial Legion quest that was removed from the final game. | ||
Dwemer Airship Plans | misc_dwrv_artifact20 | 0.01 | 400 | You will need one of these for the Bethamez quest. | ||
Dwemer Centurion Plans | misc_dwrv_artifact80 | 0.01 | 1,200 | The only copy is found on a table in Endusal, Kagrenac's Study. | ||
Dwemer Coherer | misc_dwrv_artifact50 | 40.0 | 60 | You will need one of these for the Free New-Shoes Bragor quest. Caius will give you one as a bribe for Divayth Fyr in the Corprus Cure quest. |
Dwemer Cylinder | misc_dwrv_artifact00 | 5.0 | 35 | |||
Dwemer Mug | misc_dwrv_mug00 | 2.0 | 10 | You will need one of these for The Champion of Clutter quest in Tribunal. | ||
Dwemer Scarab Plans | misc_dwrv_artifact10 | 0.2 | 100 | You will need one of these for the Scarab Plans in Mzuleft quest. | ||
Dwemer Scarab Schematics | misc_dwrv_artifact40 | 0.1 | 100 | |||
Dwemer Schematic | misc_dwrv_artifact70 | 0.1 | 1,200 | |||
Dwemer Tube | misc_dwrv_artifact60 | 0.5 | 40 | You will need one of these for the Dwemer Tube from Arkngthunch-Sturdumz quest. You will also need one for the Ra'Zhid's Dwemer Artifacts quest. |
LargeDewmer Goblet | misc_dwrv_goblet10_tgcp | 3.0 | 30 | You will need one of these for The Dwemer Goblet quest for the Bal Molagmer.* | ||
Ornate Dwemer Bowl | misc_dwrv_bowl00 | 3.0 | 10 | You will need one of these for the Ra'Zhid's Dwemer Artifacts quest. You will also need one for The Champion of Clutter quest in Tribunal. |
Ornate Dwemer Goblet | misc_dwrv_goblet00 | 4.0 | 20 | You will need one of these for the Ra'Zhid's Dwemer Artifacts quest. You will also need one for The Champion of Clutter quest in Tribunal. |
Ornate Dwemer Goblet | misc_dwrv_goblet10 | 3.0 | 30 | You will need one of these for The Champion of Clutter quest in Tribunal. | ||
Ornate Dwemer Pitcher | misc_dwrv_pitcher00 | 8.0 | 40 | You will need one of these for The Champion of Clutter quest in Tribunal. | ||
Rusty Dwemer Cog | misc_dwrv_gear00 | 50.0 | 100 | You will need three of these for the Dwemer Warbots quest in Tribunal. |
* Despite its name, the "Large" "Dewmer" Goblet is visually indistinguishable from the regular Ornate Dwemer Goblet of the same shape. This glitch can be fixed to an extent, for display purposes, by opening the Console with the goblet visible, clicking the goblet once to get its ID to appear at the top of the Console window, and entering the SetScale 1.5
Console command. It will revert to the original size if picked up and put down again, and other goblets of this sort you may encounter will not have been resized.
Tribute ItemsEdit
All but one of these are found in various tombs across Vvardenfell.
Icon | Item | Notes | ||
Bone from Pop Je devote_bone_Pop00 |
1.0 | 1 | Dedicated to the father of developer Gary Noonan, who passed away during production of the game. | |
Ashes of Lord Brinne devote_Brinne_Dust_00 |
1.0 | 0 | Dedicated to a former regular at The Elder Scrolls Forums, who passed away during production. | |
Ashes of G. Lyngas devote_Lyngas_Dust_00 |
1.0 | 0 | Dedicated to a former regular at The Elder Scrolls Forums, who passed away during production. | |
Ashes of D. Bryant devote_Nan_Dust_00 |
1.0 | 0 | Dedicated to a former regular at The Elder Scrolls Forums, who passed away during production. | |
The Head of Scourge misc_argonianhead_01 |
3.0 | 100 | Dedicated to a character used by developer Steve Meister for testing the game. This Easter Egg is found in a storeroom in The Lizard's Head, Vivec, presumably giving the inn its name. |