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< Morrowind: Places: Dwemer Ruins
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Walkthrough: not written

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Dwemer Ruin:
(view on map)
# of Zones 2
Ash Creatures, Ash Vampires, Daedra
Console Location Code(s)
Odrosal, Dwemer Training Academy
Odrosal, Tower
Red Mountain, [3,7]

Odrosal is an Ash Vampire Citadel in the Red Mountain region, inside the Ghostfence.

An old Dwemer fortress, Odrosal is now named after its resident Ash Vampire Dagoth Odros. This is where Keening can be found during the Main Quest. The ruins are divided into two areas: the Dwemer Training Academy and the Tower.

Related QuestsEdit

Main QuestEdit


Odrosal Dwemer Training AcademyEdit

Enemies here include Dagoth Odros, a Flame Atronach, and a Golden Saint. Dagoth Odros has a key and the Amulet of Heartfire. A few dead Dreamers and a dead hero lie slain as evidence of the constant struggle to regain the artifact. A number of Dwemer weapons and armor pieces can be found here, as well as a number of potions and a repair hammer. A door connects to the Tower.

Odrosal TowerEdit

The tower has been converted into a shrine, with the artifact Keening in the center.


  • Do not equip Keening without Wraithguard, as it will hurt (and likely kill) you.
  • This is one of a few places in the game where the rare Dwarven crossbow can be found.


Map of Odrosal