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< Morrowind: People
Ra'Zahr (ra'zahr)
Home Town Tel Branora
Location Upper Tower, Therana's Chamber
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Level 1 Class Slave
Other Information
Health 10 Magicka 80
Alarm 0 Fight 30

Ra'Zahr is a Khajiit slave found in the quarters of his owner, Mistress Therana.

He wears nothing except for his slave's right bracer. Like all Khajiit, he can see well in the dark and can demoralize others for short periods, but otherwise knows no spells.


  • new clothes:
    • "You want me to wear that skirt?"
      • Yes, wear it. [Therana's Skirt has been removed from your inventory.] "Give Ra'Zahr the skirt. Yes, Ra'Zahr wears the skirt." Goodbye
      • Nevermind. "Ra'Zahr does whatever %PCName says."
  • Therana:
    • "The Mistress is right there."

Related QuestsEdit

House TelvanniEdit

  • New Clothes: Deliver a skirt to Mistress Therana in Tel Branora.