For the House Hlaalu version, see Stronghold (Hlaalu). For the House Redoran version, see Stronghold (Redoran).
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Build the first phase of your stronghold:
- Talk to Llunela Hleran at the Telvanni Council House in Sadrith Mora to start the process.
- Travel to Ebonheart to receive the construction contract from Duke Vedam Dren.
- Collect two strong souls.
- Return to Llunela with the souls and contract, and the construction will begin.
- After a few days, talk to Llunela again, who will ask you to check on the stronghold progress.
- Talk to the foreman at Uvirith's Grave, Gashnakh gra-Mughol, and return to Llunela with the news.
- The first phase should be finished after a few more days.
- Build the second phase of your stronghold:
- Build the third and last phase of your stronghold:
- Talk to Llunela Hleran at the Telvanni Council House in Sadrith Mora about the third phase.
- Travel to the vampire lair Galom Daeus to retrieve the book Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi.
- Return to Llunela with the book to start the construction.
- The third phase should be finished after a few days.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
First PhaseEdit
Starting the ProcessEdit
Once you reach the rank of Mouth you can start the construction of your stronghold by talking with Llunela Hleran in the Telvanni Council House in Sadrith Mora. She will tell you that you need a construction contract from Duke Vedam Dren in the Grand Council Chamber in Ebonheart and that you must collect two strong souls.
Getting the Contract and the SoulsEdit
All that Vedam requires is for you to give an oath to aid the people of Vvardenfell for you to receive the contract. If you have already received Moon-and-Star from Azura, he will give it to you without hesitation, for all the noble acts you have done for Morrowind. The best way to get the souls is to summon two of the suggested daedra (Winged Twilight, Storm Atronach or Golden Saint); Galar Rothan in the Telvanni Council House entry has a greater soul gem filled with a storm atronach on his shelf, that you can either buy or steal (he also has one with an ogrim, but that soul will not work for this quest). There is also a filled grand soul gem with a Winged Twilight on the desk of Galbedir in the Balmora mage's guild. Urtiso Faryon in her Sorcerer's store and Nelso Salenim in the Telvanni Council House both sell a Summon Storm Atronach spell if you need one. For those with lower conjuration, a respawning Storm Atronach is located at the bottom of Mount Kand cavern. Once the two souls gems are filled, return to Hleran to begin the first phase of construction on your stronghold. On the fifth midnight after turning in the soul gems and the contract, you'll receive a journal entry prompting you to speak with Hleran again. (For example, if you turned in the soul gems and contract even as late as 11pm on day 10, you'll receive the journal entry at 12am on day 15.)
Warning: She will gladly accept Azura's Star as one of the soul gems, and she will not give it back. Make sure you store it somewhere before you return to her with the filled soul gems.
Checking on the ProgressEdit
Hleran will now give you the stronghold's location (Tel Uvirith in the Uvirith's Grave area), northwest of the Erabenimsun Camp, far west-southwest of Sadrith Mora. Speak with the site foreman there, the Orc Gashnakh gra-Mughol, and return to report to Hleran.
Construction will be finished on the fifth midnight after you report to Hleran, and you will receive a journal entry to that effect. The first phase does not result in any interior cells. The mushroom is slightly bigger than during the construction phase and the crystals will have disappeared.
Second PhaseEdit
Once the first phase of construction on your stronghold is complete, you can speak with Hleran again to begin your first upgrade. Hleran will ask you for 5,000 gold and some Dwemer schematics from the ruins of Mzanchend (northwest of your stronghold). Bring the schematics and the gold back to Hleran to start the upgrade construction.
You will receive a journal entry on the fifth midnight once construction is complete. The second phase results in two homes and the lower tower.
Third PhaseEdit
Guards NeededEdit
Once you reach the rank of Master or Magister, speak to Hleran again to begin your second and last upgrade to your tower. She will tell you that guards are needed for your stronghold and that you'll need to find the book Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi, found only in the vampire lair Galom Daeus, to create the guards.
Getting the BookEdit
The lair is west-southwest of your tower and it is a dangerous place, as it is home to the Berne Clan of vampires. Retrieve the book and return to Hleran, who will order the final phase of construction to begin (note that when you collect the book you also gain the Dwemer Animunculi spell to summon a Centurion Sphere, the only known way to get it).
You'll receive a journal entry on the fifth midnight once the construction is complete.
- Hleran will not accept the soul of the Storm Atronach encountered during Azura's Quest.
- The interior cell map during the second phase will be for the completed stronghold showing exits for the dungeon and upper tower, but those areas will be inaccessible.
- After third phase, there are ebony weapons and special brandies around in the village homes and the tower, as well as an extensive dungeon in which you will find a dead body.
- Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi can be shown to Edwinna Elbert for a Mages Guild faction increase (but only if you belong to the Mages Guild). If you show it to her, her disposition increases by 25 points. If you refuse to show it to her, then her disposition drops 30 points. (Although the book may be acquired without being Telvanni, you can't talk to her about it as you lack the topic needed.)
- Although some higher-level souls equate to that of a Golden Saint (e.g. Ascended Sleeper), she will not accept Grand Soul Gems with these souls in them.
- Warning: If you carry Azura's Star with a high-level soul, Hleran might take it instead of one of the two Grand Soul Gems.
- Hleran will also accept Greater Soul Gems containing Storm Atronach souls, such as the one that Galar Rothan upstairs sells.
- If you sleep near the base of the stronghold while it's growing, various enemies (creatures, daedra, assassins) may show up, but they won't be able to attack you as long as you remain near the growing stronghold. You won't be able to hit them with contact attacks, but ranged magic attacks will work, and you will be able to loot their corpses.
- Hleran will not accept filled gems if the player is a vampire. This is the result of the script checking Hleran's greeting dialogue first, and the filled soul gems after. Since Hleran uses her vampire greeting for vampires, the greeting check will fail and the script won't check for filled soul gems. It is advised to build your stronghold before becoming a vampire or after curing it, or progressing the quest via the commands below.
Quest StagesEdit
The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal
console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Stronghold (HT_Stronghold) | ||
Index | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
5 | In order to advance in House Telvanni, I must build my own tower. I should speak with Llunela Hleran, the Telvanni stronghold builder. | |
10 | Llunela Hleran told me that in order to build my stronghold, I must get a construction contract from Duke Vedam Dren. I must also give Llunela to soul gems with strong souls. | |
20 | Llunela Hleran gave me two grand soulgems. I must fill them with strong souls and return them to her before she can begin work on my stronghold. | |
50 | Llunela Hleran accepted the construction contract and the soulgems with strong souls. She said she would give the orders to begin construction. | |
55 | I should speak with Llunela Hleran about my stronghold. | |
60 | Llunela Hleran asked me to speak with Gashnak gra-Mughol, the foreman in charge of building my stronghold. My tower is being built on the ruins of Tel Uvirith which is due west of Tel Fyr and northwest of the Erabinimsun [sic] camp. | |
70 | Gashnak gra-Mughol assured me that the tower was growing well and should be ready to occupy within a week. | |
90 | Llunela Hleran thanked me for keeping her up to date on the progress of my stronghold. | |
100 | The first stage of my stronghold should be complete today. | |
105 | In order to advance further in House Telvanni, I must improve my stronghold so that it rivals that of the other Telvanni Councilors. | |
110 | Llunela Hleran said that she could improve my stronghold if I paid her 5000 gold. She also wants me to investigate the Dwemer ruin of Mzanchend northwest of my stronghold. I should bring her any dwemer plans or schematics that I find there. | |
170 | Llunela Hleran thanked me for the 5000 gold and the Dwemer Schematics. She will give orders to build the next stage of my stronghold. | |
200 | The second stage of my stronghold should be complete today. | |
210 | Llunela Hleran is willing to order the final stage of my stronghold. However, she believes that my stronghold needs better guards. She wants me to bring her the book "Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi" from Galom Daeus. If I do this, my stronghold will be the first in ages to be guarded by Dwemer Centurions. | |
270 | Llunela Hleran thanked me for bringing her the book "Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi." She gave orders to begin the last stage of my stronghold. | |
300 | The last stage of my stronghold is complete. |