This page serves as a list of all XML entities available in Oblivion XML.
XML Entity | Numeric Value | Meaning |
&AlchemyMenu; | 0x0410 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&AudioMenu; | 0x03F9 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&BirthSignMenu; | 0x0405 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&BookMenu; | 0x0402 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&BreathMenu; | 0x0415 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
¢er; | 0x0002 | Intended for use as the value of an align trait. |
&ClassMenu; | 0x0406 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&click_past; | 0x0065 | Intended for use as the value of a stackingtype trait. |
&ContainerMenu; | 0x03F0 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&ControlsMenu; | 0x03FD | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&CreditsMenu; | 0x0417 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&DialogMenu; | 0x03F1 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&does_not_stack; | 0x1778 | Intended for use as the value of a stackingtype trait. |
&EffectSettingMenu; | 0x0413 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&EnchantmentMenu; | 0x0412 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&false; | 0x0001 | Boolean value. |
&first; | 0x006A | Intended for use as the value of any keyboard-navigation trait. Indicates that keyboard navigation should go to a list item with the lowest listindex. |
&GameplayMenu; | 0x03FC | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&generic; | -1 | Intended for use as the value of an id trait. Indicates that a tile should have no executable-supplied behaviors, but should handle keyboard navigation as if it did. |
&GenericMenu; | 0x03F3 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&HUDInfoMenu; | 0x03ED | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&HUDMainMenu; | 0x03EC | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&HUDReticle; | 0x03EE | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&HUDSubtitleMenu; | 0x03F2 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&InventoryMenu; | 0x03EA | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&last; | 0x006B | Intended for use as the value of any keyboard-navigation trait. Indicates that keyboard navigation should go to a list item with the highest listindex. |
&left; | 0x0001 | Intended for use as the value of an align trait. |
&LevelUpMenu; | 0x0403 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&LoadingMenu; | 0x03EF | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&LoadMenu; | 0x040E | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&LockPickMenu; | 0x03F6 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&MagicMenu; | 0x03FE | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&MagicPopupMenu; | 0x0400 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&MainMenu; | 0x0414 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&MapMenu; | 0x03FF | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&MessageMenu; | 0x03E9 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&mixed_menu; | 0x0067 | Intended for use as the value of a stackingtype trait. |
&NegotiateMenu; | 0x0401 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&next; | 0x0069 | Intended for use as the value of any keyboard-navigation trait. Indicates that keyboard navigation should go to a list item with the nearest larger listindex. |
&no_click_past; | 0x0066 | Intended for use as the value of a stackingtype trait. |
&OptionsMenu; | 0x03F7 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&PauseMenu; | 0x03F5 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&PersuasionMenu; | 0x040A | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&prev; | 0x0068 | Intended for use as the value of any keyboard-navigation trait. Indicates that keyboard navigation should go to a list item with the nearest smaller listindex. |
&QuantityMenu; | 0x03F8 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&QuickKeysMenu; | 0x0416 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&RaceSexMenu; | 0x040C | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&RechargeMenu; | 0x0419 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&RepairMenu; | 0x040B | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&right; | 0x0004 | Intended for use as the value of an align trait. |
&SaveMenu; | 0x040F | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&scale; | -1 | Intended for use as the value of a zoom trait. It is a "semantic" way of indicating that an Image tile's texture should be stretched or shrunk to fill the tile's size. |
&SigilStoneMenu; | 0x0418 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&SkillsMenu; | 0x0408 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&SleepWaitMenu; | 0x03F4 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&SpellmakingMenu; | 0x0411 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&SpellPurchaseMenu; | 0x040D | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&StatsMenu; | 0x03EB | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&TextEditMenu; | 0x041B | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&TrainingMenu; | 0x0404 | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&true; | 0x0002 | Boolean value. |
&VideoDisplayMenu; | 0x03FB | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&VideoMenu; | 0x03FA | Menu ID, intended for use as the value of a class trait. |
&xbox; | 0x0001 | Boolean. Indicates whether the menu is running as part of the Xbox version of the game. |
&xboxhint; | 0x0001 | Intended for use as the value of an xdefault trait. Its purpose is unknown, as is the value it holds in Xbox versions of the game. |
&xbuttona; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 1. |
&xbuttonb; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 2. |
&xbuttonlb; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 6. |
&xbuttonls; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 8. |
&xbuttonlt; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 4. |
&xbuttonrb; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 7. |
&xbuttonrs; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 9. |
&xbuttonrt; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 5. |
&xbuttonx; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 2. |
&xbuttony; | 0x0001 | In the PC version of the game, this is hardcoded to equal &false; . In the Xbox version of the game, it is an enum, and its value is 3. |
&xenon; | 0x0001 | This is a synonym for &xbox; . Xenon was the codename that Microsoft used for the Xbox 360 when it was under development. |
&xitem; | 0x006D | Intended for use as the value of an xlist trait. Indicates that a tile is a list item. |
&xlist; | 0x006C | Intended for use as the value of an xlist trait. Indicates that a tile is a list pane. |