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Oblivion talk:Reflect Spell

The Application of Reflect SpellEdit

How is a Reflect Spell (constant effect) applied to an incoming bolt, first or last, summatively or consecutively?

Example: An NPC mage casts a bolt of Fire Damage measuring 100 points toward the player. The player is a Breton with 50% magick resistance and wearing constant effect items providing 25% fire resistance and a 10% spell reflection.

Case 1. Player suffers 15 points of damage and the casting mage suffers 10 points damage. That is the three defenses are cumulative with the reflection applied first to the whole bolt.

Final score: NPC -10, Player -15

Case 2. The bolt is reduced to 25 points by the resistances which summed to 75%. 10% of that remainder is reflected, so the player suffers 22.5 points of damage and the NPC mage suffers 2.5 points of damage.

Final score: NPC -2.5, Player -22.5

Case 3. The reflect spell is applied first sending 10 points against the NPC mage. The resistances are applied to the remaining 90 points at 75%, reducing 67.5 damage points so the player suffers 22.5 points of damage.

Final score: NPC -10, Player -22.5

Kalevala 02:29, 4 May 2007 (EDT)

Your question is a really good one, but unfortunately I don't think anyone has taken the time yet to test how different types of defense interact, which is why noone has been able to answer the question :| If you're interested in finding out the answer, the best way might be to do some tests yourself. Any information you'd be able to provide would be greatly appreciated. If you'd like to do some tests, but just aren't sure what the best way is to do them, feel free to ask and I'd be happy to provide some input! --NepheleTalk 12:45, 7 May 2007 (EDT)
Yes, I would be willing to conduct some research and I would most appreciate your input. However, I have the Xbox 360 version so will that limit what can be done? Does the PC version's "construction kit" provide direct access to fromulae and code, or is everything dependent upon sampling? Kalevala 02:04, 8 May 2007 (EDT)
It does not. Most stuff like this is hard-coded, and not visible in the Construction Set. However, the in-game console available on the PC makes it easier to see the exact numbers of damage done. --TheRealLurlock Talk 09:25, 8 May 2007 (EDT)
None of the above. Reflect Spell is a chance of occuring, not a reflection of a portion of damage. The actual possible results:
  • NPC takes 100 fire damage, modified by whatever resists/weaknesses the mage has. (10% chance)
  • Player takes 25 fire damage. (90% chance)
--Deathbane27 14:27, 7 May 2007 (EDT)
So that the average over say 100 attacks would work out to be Final score: NPC -10, Player -22.5 Kalevala 02:04, 8 May 2007 (EDT)
Good point (and I even forgotten that I'd done tests on the related effect, Reflect Damage). Some day all of that needs to be summarized somewhere.... some day when I've finished everything else I want to do around here ;) --NepheleTalk 18:54, 7 May 2007 (EDT)

Thanks for the replies! Kalevala 02:04, 8 May 2007 (EDT)

How does Reflect Spell interact with Absorb SpellEdit

Similar to the above, I wish to know how does the game calculate damage when absorb spell is in effect basically, which calculation does the game do first? in a scenario, say I have 50% absorb and 50% reflect; another one is 100% absorb and 100% reflect. What will happen in each case? May 12 2007

I've added a section to the talk page of Magical Effects on this, that basically answers both this and the above question, though more work needs to be done to verify my work. --Mikekearn 08:41, 9 June 2007 (EDT)


It can also prevent you getting blessings from Altars in Chapels - so you would like to unequip any reflect spell items you have.

I've deleted this comment added to the article, because I've never had problems with receiving blessings while using Reflect Spell. My character has 95% Reflect Spell, and to double check this I drank a Reflect Spell potion to boost my Reflect Spell to 112%. I had no problems receiving a blessing from an altar in a chapel, and I didn't even have any problems receiving a blessing from the Lucky Old Lady in Bravil. This is with all the latest patches installed, but there's nothing in any of the Patch release notes to suggest that the behaviour of Reflect Spell has been altered by any patch. Any chance you're thinking of Spell Absorption instead of Reflect Spell? --NepheleTalk 13:21, 2 July 2007 (EDT)

Reflect Spell vs. DispelEdit

If we take Caster 1 and Caster 2, they are engaged in battle. They both use these spells, not scrolls or powers. Caster 1 uses Reflect Spell 100% on Self. Caster 2 uses Dispel 120pts on Target. Is the Dispel reflected, or does the Dispel rid Caster 1 of Reflect Spell? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

So, I just tried this. The dispel gets reflected. JabberWalkie 19:05, 4 August 2008 (EDT)

Reflect off of NPC: damage calculations?Edit

Does anyone know how damage is calculated when a spell is reflected back to you off of an NPC? For example, my mage can cast some fairly potent spells. They do more damage than he has life. So, whenever I run into a NPC with decent magic reflect, the spell gets reflected and I'm instantly dead. The problem with this is that i have 100% magic resistance. So, when a spell is reflected back on me it seems to cut through all of the magical resistances. So, I'm wondering, is it the resistances of the target that are used in the calculation, or are resistances simply ignored? JabberWalkie 18:54, 4 August 2008 (EDT)

Ok, so i have done some tests. It appears that the NPC's magic resistance is used to calculate the reflected dammage. Can someone confirm this? JabberWalkie 19:11, 4 August 2008 (EDT)

Magic TrapsEdit

"Unlike Spell Absorption, Reflect Spell only protects you against spells cast by spellcasters. Therefore, it won't protect against damage from objects such as Magic Traps."

Yet the page that the "Magic Traps" link leads to says that 2 out of the 3 traps can be reflected. I'm confussed. My apologies if I have missed something somewhere.--Foubister 14:54, 11 September 2009 (UTC)

I believe the Traps article is correct, but I have to test that make sure. It's an inconsistency anyway, so thanks for pointing that out. --Timenn-<talk> 15:13, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
I thought that that was probably the case. I was noticing that Fire Turrets seemed to have no effect on my character who was equiped with over 100% Reflect Spell.--Foubister 04:33, 12 September 2009 (UTC)
It took me some while to get back to this, but after some testing I can say the following:
  • Reflect Spell doesn't work for traps, presumably because the spell needs to be reflected to an actor rather than an activator.
  • Spell Absorption works against traps as well, but doesn't work if the Disallow Spell Absorb/Reflect flag is set for a specific spell.
  • Resist Magic always seems to work.
This was tested by trying the various 100 percentages on the different effects, and subjecting myself to the traps. I will update the necessary articles. --Timenn-<talk> 14:42, 2 November 2009 (UTC)

Reflecting Item EnchantmentsEdit

I have the Namira's ring and the Ring of Sunfire, which grants a fine reflect spell (around 25~ish % perhaps). But what i find odd is that i keep reflecting enchantments on weapons as well. I noticed this when i did the blackwood company quest in Glendale cavern, since all of them have magical weapons. about a 1/4 of the time i glew purple and the archer or the fighter got shocked/took fire damage when they hit me. There isn't a mention of this in the reflect spell, so i'm wondering if it's some kind of a bug. I don't have any game influencing mods except UOP. User:Dayer

Random loot itemsEdit

If you find one of those random items early in the game, can you stil find their more powerful version later in the game (on higher levels)? --Zababa 15:23, 25 May 2010 (UTC)

Yes. --NepheleTalk 15:52, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

Contradiction? Which one is true?Edit

"Fortunately, this means that, unlike Resist Magic, it won't prevent you from reaping the benefits of good spells, such as the Arena Basin and blessings at altars."

From Resist Magic Page: "In earlier versions of the game, there was a bug that caused some friendly spells to be resisted. This problem seems to have been fixed in one of the later patches."

Unless I'm reading this wrong, where resist magic resists things like blessings at altars but will NOT resist spells like shield. Couldn't find anything on the resist magic page though. dtm 09:19, 6 June 2011 (UTC)

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