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Online:Alforunn Wealdwalker

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Alforunn Wealdwalker
Home Settlement Ivarstead
Location Pilgrim's Rest Inn
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Alforunn Wealdwalker
Ill Alforunn Wealdwalker

Alforunn Wealdwalker is a Nord pilgrim found at the Pilgrim's Rest Inn in Ivarstead with his partner Odvild. He has fallen fatally ill, and the healer Mizrali will ask for your help in saving him.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Before being healed, he talks about how much pain he's in.

"Burns. My chest is like fire.
Sovngarde take me."

After the quest, he seems much more lively.

"Just get me some food in my belly and I'll be back at those stairs.
Damned avalanche didn't kill me. I'm not going to give up now."