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This article is about the Khajiit in Camp Merciful Reduction. For the Orc in Sentinel, see Aza gra-Birgo.

Location Camp Merciful Reduction
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 29,870
Reaction Hostile Class Healer
Other Information
Faction(s) Aldmeri Dominion

Aza is a Khajiit soldier of the Aldmeri Dominion found at Camp Merciful Reduction. She accompanies Maldur in battle.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Minor Wound
A basic ranged attack that does minor magical damage.
Focused Healing
The enemy will heal any allies that are hurt, including itself. Enemies often indicate this by calling out for healing (I'm hurt!, I need healing!, Healer! etc.) This effect appears as a yellow beam connecting the healer and its target. This spell can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

As you begin to fight Maldur, Aza will appear.

Aza: "You can't kill the commander, filth!"