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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Home City Riften
Location Marketplace
Race Argonian Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Bar-Neeus is an Argonian found in the city of Riften. He is a merchant by trade, though he will not sell anything to you.

Related QuestsEdit

  • All's Fair: Investigate reports of black market goods in Riften's marketplace.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

You will be sent by Sarisa to see if there's any proof that Bar-Neeus was involved in peddling illegal goods so she can find an excuse to have him removed to allow her family to take over his stall. You may choose to ask him about his service and he is proud that his business is honest and fair:

"Ah, it is a sun-blessed day, no? Is there something I can interest you in?"
Greetings. I hear you offer goods not officially available in Riften. / I've heard you offer goods not officially available in Riften.
"Bah. Rumors spread by jealous rivals. My goods are all on display; I sell no illicit merchandise."
Perhaps if I came back after hours?
"I erect the spine of warning. My wares are all on display. All customers receive courteous service and fair prices. No one gets special treatment or secretive deals. Perhaps others would better meet your needs."
Doesn't look like the giant caused you any trouble.
"Mere luck. To my neighbors who suffered, I extend the claw of succor. They have but to ask to receive aid. My success enables me to be generous to those in need."
I've heard rumors about your stall. / How do you account for the rumors about your stall then?
"Riften is a challenging place to do business. Success breeds jealousy, especially when one is an outsider."

After investigating his supplies, he'll say:

"Feel free to browse, friend. Best prices in all the Rift."

Return to Sarisa Rothalen and she'll try to get you to plant illegal goods on the unsuspecting Argonian. You can do so, or warn him. When you warn him, he wants to demonstrate humility and generosity by giving her a package to make Sarisa regret her actions and accept his friendship:

"You have a troubled look about you, friend. Can I help?"
I must warn you. Sarisa Rothalen asked me to plant illegal goods in your stall.
"Not a surprising plot from a Dunmer, especially that one. Sarisa would rather lie and steal than accept charity.
Allow me to express my gratitude in coin."
What about Sarisa?
"The spine of welcome is more effective than that of threat. Deliver this package to Sarisa. I choose to extend friendship when others express hatred."

Speaking to him again if you warned him of Sarisa's plot and before giving the package to her:

"You've done me a great favor. I sense a change in the wind in Riften, thanks to you."

After the quest:

"My friend. It is good to see you again. You are welcome anytime."

If you choose to help Sarisa with her plan, you can plant a flask of Altmer ale in Bar-Neeus's supply chest and then notify Guard Bronorr at the Fighters Guild. Follow Bronorr to Bar-Neeus' stall and you'll witness the merchant being arrested:

Bar-Neeus: "That is your proof—planted goods?"
Constable Bronorr: "Shut up! I always knew you were up to something."
Bar-Neeus: "I protest this treatment."
Constable Bronorr: "Tell it to the skeevers. Now move!"

Bronorr will lead Bar-Neeus to the Fighters Guild hall and disappear.