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HomeĀ Settlement Graystone Quarry
Location Tumnosh Longhouse
Race Orc Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Tumnosh Clan

Bash is an Orc miner of the Tumnosh Clan who can be found in the Tumnosh Longhouse at Graystone Quarry.


Prior to the quest, he'll say:

"I wouldn't go down to the quarry if I was you."
"I've hauled rock in that quarry for twenty years. Never heard such terrible noises."
"I heard noises from the quarry ā€¦ and then everything got real quiet."
"Can't work since the cave-in crushed my leg. I hope everyone's okay down there."
"Some say the quarry is cursed. I'm starting to think they're right."

After the quest, he'll say:

"Never thought I'd miss hauling stone. But I'll tell ya, it beats the snot out of being stuck in a bed all day."
"I'm going stir-crazy in here. My brother brought me some books. Hrmph. Not a single picture in any of them."
"Glad that business in the mine is cleared up. Now if only you could fix this leg of mine. Ugh."