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Online:Bertis Benethran

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Bertis Benethran
Home City Sadrith Mora
Location Mages Guild Encampment
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild
Bertis Benethran

Bertis Benethran is a Dark Elf magister of the Mages Guild who can be found at their camp in Sadrith Mora.


If you're not part of the Guild, he says:

"The Telvanni are held back by their mistrust and bigotry. If you wish to learn the craft, come to the Mages Guild. We turn none away who truly wish to learn."
"Pay no heed to these Telvanni charlatans. Join the Mages Guild and learn from the true masters of the arcane arts!"
"The Telvanni are too busy spitting in each others' soups to focus on true magecraft. Join the Mages Guild, see what real magic can be like."
What's the Mages Guild?
"The Mages Guild provides a safe haven for the study of lore and magicka. In fact, one of our current projects involves uncovering and collecting the wisdom of Tamriel, no matter where that wisdom tries to hide.
Would you like to join the guild?"
Mages Guild members gather books?
"Oh, there's more to it than that, I assure you!
We seek to preserve and spread knowledge. It's one of the main goals of the Mages Guild. Every book our members recover gets copied for our libraries, then distributed throughout Tamriel."
What do I get out of joining the Mages Guild?
"You mean besides the satisfaction for a job well done? Have no fear. The Mages Guild supplies its members with unique spells and abilities. And those who perform well and advance in rank may receive special missions directly from the Guildmaster."
All right. Sign me up for the Mages Guild.
"Excellent decision! I hereby name you a member of the Mages Guild in good standing, with all the privileges that such membership provides.
Your reputation in the guild will increase with every book you recover and collection you complete."

If engaged in conversation by a member of the Mages Guild, he will say:

"All these Telvanni mages can do is boast and brag. I'd bet hard gold that if they had to face off against one of our fellow Guild members ….
Suffice it to say, there's more to the craft than mere bravado."
"Sadrith Mora. Ha! A monument to wasted potential. These Telvanni fools think they possess true power. We know better, don't we?"
"I pity these Telvanni tricksters. So proud of their fungal towers. Guild wizards could grow a mushroom twice the size in half the time!"