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Online:Blackreach Thrall

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Blackreach Thrall
Location Dusktown Cavern, Dark Moon Grotto, Ghostlight Grotto, Lightless Hollow
Race Nord Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile
Blackreach Thrall

Blackreach Thralls are Nords who have been enslaved by the Falmer. They can be found in Dusktown Cavern and Dark Moon Grotto. They can usually be seen mining or working in some capacity. In combat, they use their mining tools as weapons, though they are not very proficient at it.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
Basic melee attack dealing minor physical damage.
Heavy Attack
A charge melee attack dealing low physical damage. This can be blocked to set Blackreach Thrall off-balance.


  • Damage application for their attacks is out of sync with the animation and strike SFX.