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Online:Bolnora Romavel

< Elder Scrolls Online: People / Vendors
Bolnora Romavel
Home Settlement Tel Mora
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Navigator
Bolnora Romavel

Bolnora Romavel is a Dark Elf navigator who can be found in Tel Mora. Her launch is a typical dunmer boat just west of the tower. She can take you to Sadrith Mora.


"My passengers don't need to worry about a thing. Not a thing. We take care of everything. And in the most delicate manner possible. Now, would you like to join us?"
"My ship is at your service. Discreetly, of course. Just let me know which authorities to avoid."
"Circumspection is the watch word of the day. And my crew and I are nothing if not circumspect. Would you like to hop aboard?"
I need to travel to another part of Vvardenfell.
"Of course, of course. We're at your service. As long as you want to travel to Sadrith Mora, then we'll be happy to take you with us. Otherwise, I'm afraid, you'll need to make other arrangements."'
Take me to Sadrith Mora, then.