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Online:Captain Jena Apinia

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Captain Jena Apinia
Location Garlas Agea
Race Imperial Gender Female
Health 133,844 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Ravager
Other Information
Faction(s) Imperial Legion (formerly)
Captain Apinia

Captain Jena Apinia, better known as the Butcher of Bravil, is an Imperial deserter and war criminal who can be found at Garlas Agea.

After fleeing the Imperial City during the Daedric invasion, she went to Bravil with a gang of fellow deserters. There, after threatening the citizens and trying to steal from them, she killed the mayor of the city and other innocents before going into hiding in the ruins.

She can be found alongside two Legionnaire Archers.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Debts of War: Help recover looted valuables and bring the Butcher of Bravil to justice.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
A melee attack that deals moderate physical damage and knocks you back if it connects. This attack can be blocked to knock the enemy off balance.
The Ravager swings their weapon around, dealing minor physical damage to all enemies in front of them. This attack has no red cone indicator.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Fighting Razum-dar:

Razum-dar: "Butcher of Bravil! This one claims your head!"
Captain Jena Apinia: "Queen Ayrenn's mangy cat? Again?"
Captain Jena Apinia: "I should have chopped off your tail the last time we met!"
Razum-dar: "Jone and Jode, that hurts!"


  • Captain Jena Apinia doesn't give experience or loot when killed.