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Online:Conjurer Grahla

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Conjurer Grahla
Location Glenumbra Moors
Race Orc Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild
Conjurer Grahla

Conjurer Grahla is an Orc member of the Mages Guild found at their camp near the Glenumbra Moors.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Glenumbra MoorsEdit

If you were started the quest through Gloria Fausta or Duke Sebastian, you will have to inform Grahla that Camlorn was almost lost to the werewolves:

"A messenger? From Aldcroft, by any chance? What news from there? We heard reports that Camlorn Refugees had inundated the town."
Werewolves tried to take over the town, but they didn't succeed.
"That's good. Losing Camlorn was bad enough.
Meanwhile, we've made significant progress here. Our research is finally beginning to yield results"

Ripple EffectEdit

If you didn't start the quest, she will caution you when you approach her:

"The spirits of the dead haunts this place."

If The Fall of Faolchu was completed and you approach her, she will say:

"Faolchu is dead, but these spirits lingers still."

She used to say this line in previous updates:

"The Mages Guild is studying the site of the Battle of Glenumbra Moors. It's said that Faolchu, the invader of Camlorn, was originally slain here. They hope to find out what killed him in the past.
The ghosts of the Alessian army still haunt this place. It's been an age since the Battle of Glenumbra Moors raged here, yet the spirits linger."

Currently, she will say:

"The ghosts of the Alessian army still haunt this place.
It's been an age since the Battle of Glenumbra Moors raged here, yet the spirits linger."

She will ask you to look into the artifacts on the battlefield to learn more about Faolchu:

What are you looking for?
"Faolchu, the beast that ravages Camlorn. He fought and died here.
We want to know what happened all those years ago. Then we can kill him again."
How do you find out what happened so long ago?
"Sarvith, our Master of Incunabula, hopes to evoke a vision that shows us the events surrounding Faolchu's death.
We're collecting the most powerful historic artifacts to use as focus objects. The spirits are making the task difficult, however."
I'll help if I can.

If you completed The Fall of Faolchu, the dialogue will alter:

Why are these spirits here?
"Faolchu, the beast you defeated at Camlorn, also fought and died here long ago. We hoped your victory would provoke some reaction from the spirits. Sadly, nothing happened. We must find another way."
What are you planning?
"Sarvith, our Master of Incunabula, hopes to evoke a vision that shows us the events surrounding Faolchu's first death.
We're collecting historic artifacts to use as focus objects. The spirits are making the task difficult."
I'll help if I can.

You can ask her questions about the historical battle that occurred here:

"The generals of the Alessian army played a vital part in the Battle of the Glenumbra Moors. Their weapons, if still intact, would suffice, I think.
If you manage to get your hands on the weapons, find Sarvith. He knows what to do from there."
Why is it important to find out how Faolchu died?
"Faolchu wasn't called the Invincible General for nothing. You can cut him, bash him, fill him full of arrows—he just keeps coming.
We must discover how they stopped him and ended this ancient war."
What can you tell me about the Battle of Glenumbra Moors?
"I could tell you the basic story, but if you want a deeper understanding you need to ask our loremaster, Dhalana.
She's up on the tower, observing the movement of the spirits."

After getting the blades:

"You'll find Sarvith in the tent behind me.
And please remind Sarvith to be careful. He's brilliant, but he doesn't always pay as much attention to detail as he should."

After witnessing Sarvith's spell, he'll tell you to return to Grahla for what to do next:

"We heard a scream. And then ripples of magical distortion started to sweep across the battlefield.
What happened?"
Your mages have opened a door into the past.
"They were supposed to cast a simple divination spell, nothing more.
Sarvith wasn't supposed to open any doorways."
Sarvith thinks we can go back in time to learn about Faolchu's death.
"I don't like this. Time magic shouldn't be meddled with.
But what's done is done. Maybe one of those ripples has the answers we seek."
What should I do?
"Examine the ripples. See if there really is a doorway of some kind out there.
And keep an eye out for anything else out of the ordinary. Who knows what they may have pulled out of the past."

If you talk to her again:

"I'm not sure I like it, but this may be the only way to reveal Faolchu's past.
Examine the ripples in the battlefield and see if Sarvith's doorway is out there somewhere."

After investigating the ripples and before going into the crypts:

"A spirit spoke to you? You need to continue this line of investigation and see where it leads."

The Nameless SoldierEdit

If you chose to kill Faolchu instead of Saving Alana Relin, you can speak to her to finish the quest:

"You're back and you're safe. Thank the Divines. I was afraid we lost you."
What do you mean?
"According to the legends, when the Nameless Soldier killed Faolchu the armor shattered. The Nameless Soldier died. I was afraid history would repeat itself."
What happened to Alana?
"She was killed. But her sacrifice was worth it—both in the past and in the present.
If you discovered Faolchu's weakness, then Alana's death wasn't in vain."

If you haven't completed The Fall of Faolchu yet:

Fire weakens Faolchu and makes him vulnerable.
"Fire! Of course. That makes perfect sense. The beast can't stand against its purifying flame.
With your help, we will set Camlorn free and destroy Faolchu once and for all."

Otherwise if you completed The Fall of Faolchu:

Just as in Camplorn, fire made Faolchu vulnerable.
"Fire! Of course. The beast couldn't stand against its purifying flame.
In happened in the past, just as you defeated him in Camlorn. If something like him appears in the future, we'll be ready—thanks to you!"

If you exit the conversation before turning in the quest, she will say:

"You're back and you're safe. Thank the Divines. I was afraid we lost you."

If you haven't completed The Fall of Faolchu:

I discovered that fire is Faolchu's weakness. With fire, we can kill him. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

Otherwise, you already completed The Fall of Faolchu:

Just as in Camplorn, fire made Faolchu vulnerable. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

If you choose to save Alana, she will still say:

"You're back and you're safe. Thank the Divines. I was afraid we lost you."

If you did not save Alana and Camlorn was already liberated:

"Fire. I can't believe the terrible Faolchu was afraid of fire."

Retaking CamlornEdit

After completing the previous quest, she'll start you towards saving Camlorn.

If you did not save Alana:

"Now we know Faolchu's weakness. We must share this knowledge with Camlorn.
I just hope there's still time to save the city."

If you did save Alana:

"The ghosts of the Alessian army still haunt this place.
It's been an age since the Battle of Glenumbra Moors raged here, yet the spirits linger."

Either way, ask about your contact:

Who should I take this information to?
"If you go north, you should be able to catch up with the Lion Guard forces.
Find an officer and tell him what we learned. Knowing Faolchu's weakness might make all the difference."
I'll catch up with the Lion Guard troops.

Speaking to her again:

"Get to the city quickly. Inform the Lion Guard how to beat Faolchu and they may yet have a chance to take Camlorn back."


  • Grahla will reuse the same dialogue she says when first arriving in the area as her dialogue when about to accept Retaking Camlorn, despite the battlefield now being free of spirits.