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Online:Daegonic Alchemist

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Daegonic Alchemist
Location Darkpool Mine
Race Khajiit Gender Varies
Health 29,870
Reaction Hostile Class Chemist
Other Information
Faction(s) Claws of Daegon
Daegonic Alchemist

Daegonic Alchemists are Khajiit chemists who serve Merrunz as part of the Claws of Daegon. They can be found in Darkpool Mine, digging up sulfur and oil.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

The enemy thrusts their weapon with disciplined precision at a target, dealing minor physical damage and afflicts the target with Major Breach for 15 seconds.
Fiery Oil/Volatile Pool
A ranged AoE flame attack. The chemist throws a potion that sets the targeted area alight and bounces once forward and creates a second flame area. The pools deal moderate flame damage over time to all players within the red circle and should be avoided.
A basic melee attack that does moderate physical damage.
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Blazing Tar
The enemy will cover their weapon in flaming oil, causing Lop and Chop to become Blazing Lop and Blazing Chop.
Blazing Lop
The alchemist throws a fire potion that explodes on contact, dealing moderate physical damage and additional fire damage over time.
Blazing Chop
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage and additional fire damage over time.
Healing Fumes
The chemist will wave a potion around to emit fumes that heal the chemist. This ability is usually used when the enemy is on low health. This spell can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance. If you stand in the healing fumes, your health can be restored.