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Online:Deputy Luric

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Deputy Luric
Home Settlement Koeglin Village
Location Docks
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Deputy Luric

Deputy Luric is a Breton guard in Koeglin Village. While Constable Pascal's recent behavior has become more erratic, Luric will be looking out for future attacks from the Ember-Eye Slavers and values any information you can bring to him.

Related QuestsEdit


He can be found at the docks, where he will talk about the recent slaver attack.

"It's lucky we were able to drive the slavers back this time.
I'm worried about what might happen if they were to attack again, though."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Lighthouse Attack PlansEdit

At the Ember-Eye camp on the beach to the south, plans involving the local lighthouse can be found. Once you have collected them, you need to take them to Deputy Luric who can be found on the docks.

His responses to you will depend on whether you have already recaptured Koeglin Lighthouse or not:

"I heard someone was down there teaching the slavers a lesson. I'm guessing you're that someone.
Any signs they're planning something else?"
Koeglin Lighthouse Objective Incomplete:
Koeglin Lighthouse Objective Completed:
I found plans for an attack on the lighthouse.
"An attack on the lighthouse? But why? That doesn't make any sense.
Let me take a look at these plans."
Here. Take the plans.
"They're putting out the lighthouse signal fire so ships will crash on the rocks!
Someone's got to warn the lighthouse keeper—Tyree. Damn it! If only we could spare the men!
Thanks for at least letting me know. Safe travels, friend."
I found plans for an attack on the lighthouse, but I already recaptured it.
"They attacked the lighthouse? But why? That doesn't make any sense.
Can I see these plans?"
Yes. Here. Take the plans.
"They put out the lighthouse signal fire so ships would crash on the rocks!
Damn it! That could've been much worse, I'm sure. I'm glad you were able to stop them. Thank you for letting us know."

If you haven't reclaimed the lighthouse yet and exit the conversation before turning in the quest, he will say.

"An attack on the lighthouse? But why? That doesn't make any sense.
Let me take a look at these plans."
Here. Take them. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

He will then hand you some gold as payment. If you talk with him afterwards he will either promise to send people down there when they are available or thank you for your effort:

Koeglin Lighthouse Objective Incomplete:
Koeglin Lighthouse Objective Completed:
"At least we know what's going on at the lighthouse now.
It may take a while, but we'll send men down there as soon as we can spare them."
"I can't tell you how relieved I am to learn you recaptured the lighthouse.
We've had enough trouble around here already."

The SlaversEdit

He and Lucas Oscent had a plan to find out information on the plans and location of the Ember-Eye Slavers.

If Lighthouse Attack Plans has not been completed and afer you agreed to help Margot Oscent find her son, Luric will be skeptical:

"As always, Margot's totally blowing this out of proportion. Lucas is probably fine."