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Location Path of the Lily
Species Argonian Behemoth
Health 146,590 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile

Deroh-Zah is an Argonian behemoth created by the Dead-Water Tribe's Hist Tree to be the guardian of the sacred lily at the Path of the Lily. He has no dialogue.

Despite being created by the tribe, Deroh-Zah shows no mercy to novices who walk the Path and has been the cause of many of their deaths in recent times.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Deraoh-Zah has all of the same abilities as standard Argonian behemoths, as well as one additional unique ability.

Rage of the Behemoth
Deroh-Zah starts the fight with a green aura around himself, which gives him an infinite damage shield and renders him invulnerable to all damage. After around 5-6 seconds, Deroh-Zah rushes to the center of the arena and begins to roar, before pouncing high into the sky and crashes back down. This is indicated by a huge AoE indicator that grows and fills the entire arena. The initial impact deals very high physical damage, and after landing, Deroh-Zah shakes off the excess energy from his aura, all within the same AoE as before, dealing continuous very high magical damage, which is overall lethal.
To avoid this attack, Use the Tamed Vine-Tongues to escape to the top of the ruined pillars in the arena. After Deroh-Zah has completed this ability, he loses his invulnerability for a duration of around 20 seconds, after which he will regain his invincibility aura and repeat the same cycle described above.