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Online:Dread Xivkyn Dreadweaver

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Dread Xivkyn Dreadweaver
Location Dark Anchors
Race Xivkyn Gender Varies
Health 235,760 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile Class Dreadweaver
Daedra Hearts
A male Dread Xivkyn Dreadweaver
A female Dreadweaver

Dread Xivkyn Dreadweavers are xivkyn mages that can appear as the final boss for Dark Anchors. They are a more powerful version of Xivkyn Dreadweavers.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Ice Arrow
A basic ranged attack that does minor frost damage.
Aspect of Terror
The enemy casts a spell which lobs a dark orb of magic at you. It does moderate magic damage and fears the player for a short time, in which they cannot move or perform any actions. This effect passes through block, and players can break free from it. This spell can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance, or avoided using roll dodge.
Shadow Cloak
If the target is in close proximity to the Dreadweaver, they will turn themselves invisible and move to a better location and set the player off balance.
Summon Burdening Eye
Summons Burdening Eye that moves toward the player.
If the Burdening Eye touches the player, it explodes, temporarily rooting the player in place and doing moderate magic damage.
Summon Dark Shade
The enemy summons a Dark Shade of itself to attack a player. The shade's attacks inflict Minor Maim, reducing the player's damage done by 15% for 4 seconds. The summon will die if the Dreadweaver is killed.