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Online:Dwarf-light the Destroyer

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Dwarf-light the Destroyer
Location Nchuthnkarst
Species Dwarven Arquebus
Health 235760 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Lead: Inclined Dwarven Paneling
Dwarf-light the Destroyer

Dwarf-light the Destroyer is a Dwarven Arquebus that serves as one of the champions of Nchuthnkarst.

It has a chance to drop the Antiquity lead for Inclined Dwarven Paneling.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Bolt
A basic ranged attack dealing low physical damage.
Shock Blast
The arquebus aims its cylinder arm at you and shoots a burst of lightning at you in close proximity, dealing moderate shock damage. This attack has no AoE indicator.
Impulse Mine
Shoots a mine that resembles a Dwarven Sentry. This mine moves to a spot of its choosing, stops, splits off into smaller mines and then arm themselves. Stepping on the mine after it's armed deals high magic damage and fears.
Polarizing Field
The arquebus aims its cylinder arm upwards and shoots a ball of concentrated lightning at your position. The initial explosion deals moderate shock damage and upon bursting open, the ball releases lightning in the form of two circular lingering AoEs on both sides of the impact point, dealing continuous low shock damage.
Summon Dwarven Spider
Summons three weak Dwarven Spiders.


There is one achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
   Nchuthnkarst Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in Nchuthnkarst, located in Blackreach: Dusktown Cavern.
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