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Online:Eislef Frostmoon

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Eislef Frostmoon
Location Frostmoon Farmstead
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 0 (Dead)
Eislef Frostmoon

Eislef Frostmoon is a deceased Nord found at the Frostmoon Farmstead. He was Raerana Frostmoon's father.

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You will need to examine his body on the farm to find clues of who murdered him. His body will be located on the central field not far from the Frostmoon home:

"<A stab wound to the chest was the cause of death. Blood and hair can be seen under the fingernails, signs of a struggle.>"

After the quest regardless of the choice you choose, his body will be buried alongside the other victims next to the farmhouse by Jorald.